The Open 2006

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
Today is the official start of the Open. I've been out trying to pap any celebs but I can't see them. Its damn annoying when I hear people like Harrison Ford, George Clooney, Madonna and Johnny Depp are casually walking around 10 mins from where I live. I don't intend on sitting on a bench all day hoping someone goes past. I went to a practice day instead, 33c and £25 to get in. I just about got a shot of Tiger Woods.


Tiger and his crowd.



Comedy timing


Nick Faldo shoots


Girl vacuums the course
Very good. I was supprised you were allowed to be where the pros were all lay down? Some sort of friend to friend pass ?

When I was at the Hotel all the Formula 1 Drivers were exiting cars and helis to get into I had storms of people just stick a bloody compact right in your view.

"images of scoring a home run from smacking a compact out of some punks hands!" :D
Fstop11 said:
Very good. I was supprised you were allowed to be where the pros were all lay down? Some sort of friend to friend pass ?

When I was at the Hotel all the Formula 1 Drivers were exiting cars and helis to get into I had storms of people just stick a bloody compact right in your view.

"images of scoring a home run from smacking a compact out of some punks hands!" :D

I was just behind the baricade. Thats as close as I ever got. When Tiger finally appeared he just got swamped. I was hand holding my 100-400 waving it around hoping to god that it would get something.
Yeah I can see that now.. Hense some punks long stretched arm!

I think you did good all things considered.

My fave shots are the bunker shot for its capture and the hot day portrait of the course. I tried something like this last week at some low rate golf course in Newquay but I totally stuffed it up and had no sky to make a good impact. Anywho.. Those are my faves.
iam said:
Absolutely superb shot - nice work :)

Thanks. I never ever shoot into the sun, it generally never works but with a bit of tweaking in Photoshop it worked perfectly. Really happy with that shot.
cyKey said:
Thanks. I never ever shoot into the sun, it generally never works but with a bit of tweaking in Photoshop it worked perfectly. Really happy with that shot.

Is that done thanks to your HDR guide or just levels in photoshop ? id love to get colours like that in my shots, Outstanding work ! :)
Combat squirrel said:
Is that done thanks to your HDR guide or just levels in photoshop ? id love to get colours like that in my shots, Outstanding work ! :)

I think I did a gradient soft light layer on the top to darken the sky. Adjusted the contrast a bit and used the dodge tool to bring out the ground. I probably also adjusted the levels too to increase the shadows.
great pictures, Its surprising sometimes how much detail you can eek back into a shot when youve underexposed due to direct light on the lens.
Some good shots there Pete, however i dont think they work very well at angles, its not a racing car, its a person!! (Is nick faldo standing on the side of a mountain whilst taking that shot??)
Slime101 said:
Some good shots there Pete, however i dont think they work very well at angles, its not a racing car, its a person!! (Is nick faldo standing on the side of a mountain whilst taking that shot??)

Wha? I've done people at angles before. You could apply the same to cars. Are they racing down a 45 degree hill? ;) I kinda know what you mean and I think the angle was just a bit too much but hey I think it still looks nice :)
But the angle for cars is used to create a feeling of action and movement, with people it just makes it look like they are on the side of a bloody great hill with some funky moon boots on allowing them to stand at 45 degrees!!!
i agree with the bunker shot being the best, you have captured that really well. I also like the portrait of Nick Faldo as well, must be really hard with shots like that to get good lighting due the the bright sunshine, along with the shadows from his hat and the glare from his sunglasses.

You are very lucky to be there mate, i would kill to be there just to watch the golf never mind take photos. Great work Pete :)
cyKey said:
I think the angle was just a bit too much but hey I think it still looks nice :)
I'd agree, it is too much but the shot still just works. I think it would have been better done as a "straight" shot though. Processing definitely helps and enhances it.
Nice shots. I was hoping you'd attend this. I kept looking out for you when they showed Tiger Woods on TV here. :)
What happened to the grass? Guess you're having a heat wave over there.. lol

As for the angles; I think 45 degrees is too much of an angle. Smaller angles are better. Less than 5 degrees looks like you didn't line it up properly though, so between 5 and 35 is good.
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