Loving this![]()
ToDo what?
ToDo NOTHING!![]()
Ahh yes those were the days when I had nothing to do... It's looking more like this these days...![]()
The wallpaper can be found at this link - https://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=Vector+Night&offset=48#/d2qo4f5
As for the black menu bar, MenuBarFilter app.
Did you write that terminal profile yourself? I like the ascci apple! Can you post your script?
Nah, it's screenfetch (found here: https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch ), I have it set to run whenever terminal is opened. (done by editing ~/.profile using nano or your preferred text editor)
if your screenfetch-dev script is located in your home folder then it would be
sh /Users/YourAccountName/screenfetch-dev