*** The OS X Post Your Desktop Thread ***


I just can't get enough of Portal... I just have to call my MacBook GLaDOS, been resisting it since day one of playing Portal; I'm such a game geek
Here's my latest.

I like to stare at the small details on the 'paper and feel like I'm learning important things :D
I've finally converted from windows after years wanting to do it, just got my macbook last week and loving it so far!
Mmmm-mega dock!


Anyway, I've updated mine enough to warrant another picture. ;)

Hidden apps are now transparent in the dock, and CoverSutra has appeared. :o

PS. Kip, Shift + Command + 3 for full screengrab, Shift + Command + 4 for selective grab and Shift +Command + 4 + Space for window select grab. :)
I have that wallpaper ^^ :)

Slightly higher res than my MB though. I'll stick a new screenshot up tonight when I'm back on it.
Why is your iPod called AARRGGGG!!!! ?

Dunno if this is the reason, but I had a lot of trouble with my iPod when iTunes 7 came out and had to keep on restoring it. I renamed it from Dunc's iPod to iSod and then i**** when I lost my rag!!!

At the moment it's called Roy Castle and I can't remember why...
Nice! :D

Shame I'm not at home, I could take a screen-grab of my PC's name. Following my XP trouble, on the Network it's currently known as JUNKEEP.

I'll be getting a new iPod in the future and shall canvas this forum for what I should have engraved on the back! My 5G has


(Sorry for the O/T)
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