*** The OS X Post Your Desktop Thread ***

heres my desktop - pic taken from caedes.net i think it is.


You will notice my bootcamp drive appears as 'untitled' is there any way i can rename this or hide it and is it safe to do so?
jonnyc747 said:
You will notice my bootcamp drive appears as 'untitled' is there any way i can rename this or hide it and is it safe to do so?
Is that the drive you have Windows installed on? If so just rename it within Windows, to whatever you want.
I think my wallpaper is sick - :)

jonnyc747 said:
You will notice my bootcamp drive appears as 'untitled' is there any way i can rename this or hide it and is it safe to do so?

I can't remember how I renamed it awhile back, either I pressed select the bootcamp drive and pressed the (up-arrow-key-thing-with-a-dash next to the apple key on the right) to rename it or boot into window thru bootcamp and change the drive name there in my computer.
Big-Mac-Please said:
I have loads of these from the blokes website! They are great, just put them in a folder and make the background change every now and then looks lovely!

Whats the site? :D
Ooo, I do like how you have terminal setup! How did you do that?

Also the obligatory..."where did you get that wallpaper from? it's cool!"
Terminal: Green on Black, Courier 14pt font, anti-aliasing enabled, and just a touch of transparency to add a bit of pizazz. Not too much tho otherwise it becomes hard to read ;)

The colours are done by putting some colour codes in your .bash_profile file (create one if it doesnt already exist. My .bash_profile is as follows:

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
open -a X11
export DISPLAY=:0.0

Another Mac-esque hint that you will probably want to do if you use Fink is appending :/sw/bin to your PATH variable in /etc/profile

The desktop is shamelessly filched from deviantart. Thought it added a touch of colour but not too much colour/detail to detract from doing work ;)
Macca said:


I can't find that Heroes wallpaper anywhere (looked on the TV's site and 9th wonder.) Can you link me to it? (1280*1024) Thanks. :)

(I don't have a MAC to contribute, but have a think Linux wallpaper with the apple sign? - on Windows :p )

Typically, I find it straight after posting. :rolleyes: :D
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Trifid said:
I can't find that Heroes wallpaper anywhere (looked on the TV's site and 9th wonder.) Can you link me to it? (1280*1024) Thanks. :)

(I don't have a MAC to contribute, but have a think Linux wallpaper with the apple sign? - on Windows :p )

Typically, I find it straight after posting. :rolleyes: :D
Look up i posted the wallpapers for someone else.
BillytheImpaler said:
It's frightening how similar that is to my desktop, background, icons, dock, and all. However, my desktop is Gnome on Ubuntu Linux.

I miss my Ubuntu :( i have only got 512mb ram so can't run it very well in parallel!
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