The perfect actor to play Gordon Freeman is...

The whole gang!


Looks good to me! Would make one hell of a film if directed well!
Gary Oldman is the obvious choice. He's a truely brilliant actor. I love Hugh Laurie too but no... Just no. Everyone else on the picture however (hopper) excluded) is perfect. I hadn't even considered Harold Allen Ramis for Kleiner but now I can't imagine anyone else playing him!
HL2 film?

*pictures actor 1 getting in the way of actor 2 on a stairwell "Sorry Mr Freeman."*

*pictures actor pilling breeze blocks on a plank so he can scale a two metre wall.*

All good selection of actors/actresses, but Hugh Laurie, definitely not!

Guys. I'm wondering if the main reason we have time to contribute to this thread is because of Valve taking, lets be honest, a while to release the next installment. Many of us have turned into fully grown men during this time!
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