I would get in contact with your solicitor and see if any of your rights have been breached, which it sounds like they have.MajorPart said:I was in a long doorman type jacket but with just jeans and shirt, he has same but just a dark suede jacket but remember we also also had two large dSLRs one with a SB600 flash and the other 580EX (both still in the cop shop)
25 and 24 (i think)
Colin_da_Killer said:I would get in contact with your solicitor and see if any of your rights have been breached, which it sounds like they have.
MajorPart said:Thing is.. Police CCTV was on the club at the time as they cops called coppers on radio link for drunk dude. I think i even have a pic of it pointing at me.
MajorPart said:i did ask if CCTV evidence was going to be used, don't think i got responce.. i bet all my images will be deleted too.
Broadbandplacey said:so youve still not got your camera?
its got to be an official police complaint. demanding who the officers were and exactly what they were up to?
and to get your kit back, they cant keep it!