The Police and Photographers

Sounds a little OTT on the bouncers and police halves. Can i ask how old you are and your dress code, and yes, that really does matter in this day in age I'm afraid...
I was in a long doorman type jacket but with just jeans and shirt, he has same but just a dark suede jacket but remember we also also had two large dSLRs one with a SB600 flash and the other 580EX (both still in the cop shop)

25 and 24 (i think)
MajorPart said:
I was in a long doorman type jacket but with just jeans and shirt, he has same but just a dark suede jacket but remember we also also had two large dSLRs one with a SB600 flash and the other 580EX (both still in the cop shop)

25 and 24 (i think)
I would get in contact with your solicitor and see if any of your rights have been breached, which it sounds like they have.

Have a read of this link before first...
Colin_da_Killer said:
I would get in contact with your solicitor and see if any of your rights have been breached, which it sounds like they have.

Do this for sure ^^^^

And Blimey, if you were on public property and in no way restricting the police in their duties then this has got to be so wrong on so many levels that I don't know where to begin. :eek: I hope you were as meek and polite as possible as well.

My brain is fuzzy on this and I am no legal expert, but this feels very very wrong.

Go seek legal advice.

Off topic - Hey Mr Colin_da_killer! Did you get my reply. The short answer is yes.
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Raymond's the guy for this one ;) Something doesn't sound right though, why would the police arrest a reporter (as you claimed to be) being held out of the way by a bouncer. Any more to the story?
If you were on public property, like a normal street pavement, taking pictures of something happening at a club then you didn't break the law. At least if thats all you were doing then you didn't break any laws relating to photography. It is very very odd that you were arrested for police obstruction.
sounds like you were arrested falsely , and not to mention wrongly if you werent read any rights etc

i`d also be concerned as to why the doorman thought he had a right to hold you against your will

i`d seek legal advice first, then depending what you are told i`d launch an offical complaint against the police and club, infact i`d even see if theres any charges that can be held against the bouncer

i`d definalty push it further, i hate police and bouncers thinking they are the law
sell the story to the sun
then sort the coppers out

that sounds totally in violation to your right, hate bounders i do and police who side with them.
Thing is.. Police CCTV was on the club at the time as they cops called coppers on radio link for drunk dude. I think i even have a pic of it pointing at me.
MajorPart said:
Thing is.. Police CCTV was on the club at the time as they cops called coppers on radio link for drunk dude. I think i even have a pic of it pointing at me.

So its either evidence to support your claims or theirs.
MajorPart said:
i did ask if CCTV evidence was going to be used, don't think i got responce.. i bet all my images will be deleted too.

Try and rescue them later. That way you can hopefully use it to prove tampering with evidence.
Yeah It's a Sankdisk Ultra so should be able to recover the images fine, unless the Cops IV Photographic Department tamper with it.

The worst thing about it is.. (if it can be any worse) a 70mm-200mm 2.8 L IS had arrived and was waiting for me when i got back this morning... with only a film SLR to stick it onto, great! That was just icing on the cake! :rolleyes:
Thats a field day for a lawyer the above. Appaling. Id seek legal advice and claim anything you could. Mention that when you got your DSLRs back that the lenses on them back focus as well and have clearly been dropped bla bla bla. ;)
out of interest , does anyone know if the police are allowed to look through your images or delete them? would any of the data protection act apply?
This is absurd, well done for keeping your cool. I would have nailed the bouncer right on the nose. Havnt got the patience for this kind of behaviour. He was in the wrong for holding you back, thats if you were on public pavement. I would press charges both against the police (if possible) and the bouncer.

Broadbandplacey said:
so youve still not got your camera?

its got to be an official police complaint. demanding who the officers were and exactly what they were up to?

and to get your kit back, they cant keep it!

Done and Done, solicitor is writing it up today..

"I would press charges both against the police (if possible) and the bouncer"

He said the issue with the police should be sorted (arrest/equipment) first then see about anyone else, i just hope that the polis took details off bouncer..

Found out sommat new .. in Scotland they can hold you without charge but only have to inform your solicitor who cannot see you in that time, (just to mack sure your time in custody is being kept right) and can keep you for 6 hours.
Whereas in Englandshire you guys can be held for 72 hours without charge but can have your solicitor present.. pros and cons for both if you think about it.
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Hi there,

I lecture in forensics at a college. I do the forensic IT and Chemistry.

As far as I am aware if the camera card is inserted into a PC then a log / data marker should get added to the card unless the PC used is set so as not to write to the card in any way. If the card was haphazardly inserted into a PC then the evidence would not be allowed since the police could not show continuity of evidence yada yada yada........

Any tampering with the camera, including removing the card should only be done by forensics since by removing the card they are tampering in uncontrolled conditions and this would need to be documented along with reasons why.

I know that if I take the card from my D50 and just insert it into the Pc then data is changed since upon replacing the card in the D50 it will not show the thumbnails.

Hope it all sorts.
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