The Police Application Thread

Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
Right I know a few people on here are currently going through the process or either becoming a regular or special constable, so the purpose of this thread is to share information about the process, our progress and talk of our future work.

Before we start this, this thread is not for police bashing or talk of police brutality. This is about trying to understand what daily policing is all about and become informed of what the police do on a day to day basis. Therefore I'd appreciate input from serving officers such as the magical Von Smallhausen :p

So, I'll start by saying that I'm in the very early stages of the process. I've submitted the application and am now awaiting to see if I've passed the paper sift and a PIRT date.

Before anyone starts I am aware an ASP isn't a banhammer and I'm not going to wave it around as such :p:D

So who else here is thinking about this or actually in the process?
I still need to send my application form off, one of the girls at work who does training for the police is having a look over it then I can finalise it and away it goes! :)
I read the title as the police appreciation thread! So just as a story of positivity I would like to add the following anyway, just in support of those wishing to join the police :);

A few months back I was at a not so legal rave at a warehouse in Manchester. The police knew of the location almost immediately and by the time most of the people were arriving at 1am there was a rather large police presence around the perimeter of the industrial estate.

Now they could have shut it down, searched everyone and made loads of arrests and caused a load of grief for us/them in the process, but they didn't. They negotiated with the organisers and kept us all there having an amazing time until 5am at which point they began to very peacefully usher out the 2,000 or so attendees without any brutality or beatings.

I was talking to some of the guys with full riot gear on and they were understanding and friendly to talk to. It was nice to see that there really are some decent coppers that are intrested in keeping the peace and doing things the right way :)
The daughters of two friends have just started their training, one in Birmingham and one in London. They had to wait quite a while for places on the training course even though the forces are short staffed as the waiting list seems to be national based and not set to local needs.
I applied when I was 18 to Leicestershire Police Force, got all the way to the final interview board and was told 'Go and get some life experience, and then come back to us'

Was severly annoyed at this, joining the police was my lifes ambition and I was denied this opportunity.

Having said that I am considering applying again now for the Warwickshire Police Force.
I've often considered applying for the police. However the thought of dealing with the scum of the country day in day out, and getting nothing but abuse for your troubles really puts me off. Mainly because it would stress me out beyond belief and leave me going home angry every single day.

Plus the way the police are so often criticised for the way they deal with things, even if they have done the right thing, means less and less respect is being given to them by some idiots in this country. Something that really puts me off being a police officer.
I applied a few months back but was turned down, hardest thing was the application as most of the examples they wanted I didn't have.

All the life examples they wanted had never happened to me. I take it as a good thing but it did seem to me the application was geared towards people that had been involved in a few more heated discussions with people :)

Might try again sometime as I really thinks its a job for life
All the life examples they wanted had never happened to me. I take it as a good thing but it did seem to me the application was geared towards people that had been involved in a few more heated discussions with people :)

That's interesting, because Hampshire's competency questions were:

What is the role of a constable? When have you shown a high level of customer service? When have you identified with people of a different age/background? When have you shown problem solving skills?

So those questions, although not easy to answer weren't that bad :)
I considered joining a few years ago before I took my current job. It had always interested me since I was a kid, but the real world police job is far from a kids imagination.

When I was researching about it I heard so many stories of police being so short staffed they where sent alone (one constable alone) to "hot spots" to deal with dangerous situations, resulting in having their behinds kicked by 20 or so scumbag kids. I've heard many things like this.

I dont think I could put up with dealing with those hoodie kids and scumbag families everyday. Especially knowing inside that they're guilty of all kinds.

I mean, I'd love to join the police, keep active, take action and help normal, hard working and nice families. But unfortunitly, most of the time its not like that. (Someone tell me otherwise so I can apply and leave this dreaded office job! :p)
Burnsy, and others who have applied - how about posting some information about the application process? It's often things like these that put some people off.
Burnsy, and others who have applied - how about posting some information about the application process? It's often things like these that put some people off.

Ok, but bear in mind this is Hant's specific:

The first step is the application. You can get one sent to you, just Google your police force website. This has general questions about you and your history. You also have some 'competency' questions where you basically have to write a mini essay of when you have done a specific task.

Step two is an assessment day (PIRT) where you have a physical activity (a beep test, which is basically a shuttle run) and some simple numeracy and literacy test.

Next you have an interview, just so they can address any concerns and get to know you properly.

Fourth is a medical and eye sight test. If you pass all this you go onto training.
I've been considering this recently, but as far as I'm aware isn't the waiting list and process stupidly long? If I'm not mistaken, the police were/are quite heavy on the old positive discrimination aren't they?
I've been considering this recently, but as far as I'm aware isn't the waiting list and process stupidly long? If I'm not mistaken, the police were/are quite heavy on the old positive discrimination aren't they?

As for discrimination, that depends on force. Regular waiting lists can be quite lengthy, but again it's all specific to where you are.
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