Photoshop CS4
Gah its so complicated all this HDR stuff lol.
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Photoshop CS4
I've just given that stitching program a go from some photos I took of trent bridge in summer 07 how come there is a spot over the image?
Quick question, how many exposures did you take to make this one with what steps downs/ups? I like it that much lol.
Im guessing it came out so well because the RAW file must have had a lot of detailed information on it which the HDR process brought out.
Any chance you could post up the original with just a direct jpg conversion? I think it'd be pretty inspiring to see the extent of the transformation possible from just one good raw file (because that finished image is jaw droppingly good)!
The first marshall one is pretty good. Would have been better if the marshall letters were more in focus though. Not bad for a phone.
Some photos from a recent weekend in the Gower, Wales. Feedback would be welcomed!
Wow very nice, especially the first and fourth picture, I think the others have no real focal point. Are they post-processed if so what software(s) did you use??
Wow very nice, especially the first and fourth picture, I think the others have no real focal point. Are they post-processed if so what software(s) did you use??