The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Ray, whats happened to your usual really punch saturation style? Sadly the photo doesn't do much for me as I'm far too use to seeing what you usually do :(

What? like this? :p (which the type they get)

As for other processing, let's just say I don't want to stay still :)
Vastly better in my opinion. I agree that you shouldn't stand still on processing and experiment, yet I still feel that kind of processing adds far more value to that sort of photograph.
Vastly better in my opinion. I agree that you shouldn't stand still on processing and experiment, yet I still feel that kind of processing adds far more value to that sort of photograph.

Agree 100%. The vibrancy of Ray's processing is what makes it pop and stand out so much. If I had to chose between the new and the old style, I wouldn't have to think about it for a second!
Two from playing about last night. It was a nightmare having to run backwards and forwards to the camera due to 10 second timer.

ocuk-light (1).jpg

ocuk-light (2).jpg
Agree 100%. The vibrancy of Ray's processing is what makes it pop and stand out so much. If I had to chose between the new and the old style, I wouldn't have to think about it for a second!

I'd disagree.

I like the soft, gentle tones as this matches the occasion more. I feel the tones match the underlying emotions attached to the day. I can't really put it into words but I hope you know where I'm coming from.

I feel the punch processing to be a bit much and seems a bit strong. It'd be more suited for a rugby match rather than a wedding. Obviously this is my opinion, but after seeing your wedding shots, I love the softer, new processing technique used. I'm not taking anything away from your old technique as this was equally as good, but I much prefer the new style :)
The "problem" is that, so far, all of my weddings have been edited the same way. Past clients, potential clients, and practically everyone else have only seen me process shots this way. My website, my sample albums are done this way. Therefore it would be a shock to the system if I shoot a wedding and then deliver a set of photos in a style that the client never seen before.

This style is very recent, and I have only used it on Georgie's shoot and the puppy (doesn't really count, not human subject) so it is still very very new, even to me. I am testing it still in all my editing at the moment, you can call it the Beta stage lol. I am not even puting these edits on Facebook, so you guys are getting an exclusive!

However, one potential client, whom was a guest at Saturday's wedding said to me that she likes the new processing done on Georgie's shoot, (the new style) and said she thinks it will fit into the weddinngn she has in mind. I said to her what I just wrote above, I can't use it on a new wedding without "prior approval" from the client as it is not somehing they are familiar with, I do not want "WTF is this" when they see the photos. But she says she really likes the "soft focus" look of the new style, I said I could definitely do that, if she is willing to go for it. We can process a small set and see how it goes and if she agrees, do the whole thing.

That wedding is due next April.
Raymond, could you not offer your clients the option of either of the two processing styles ?...or would that be the wrong thing to do ?...esp as you already seem to have a 'signature' processing style.

Regards Simon
That's a cracker, very well executed.

REALLY like the 2nd !

Thank you, we wanted to get a shot of us just so we have a photo to put on the wall and the wife likes this one the most so I think it's going to be printed. She has heeled boots on so is marginally taller than me, I know that's going to bother me for the whole time it's up on the wall. :D

For the record I think I prefer Rays original processing style, it's his own unique look that means anyone viewing his photos will probably instantly know it's his work if they've seen it before. However, if you don't mix stuff up life gets boring so I don't think there's a right answer. Personally I'm always changing but that does mean my photography lacks a bit of identity I think.
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Raymond, could you not offer your clients the option of either of the two processing styles ?...or would that be the wrong thing to do ?...esp as you already seem to have a 'signature' processing style.

Regards Simon

To offer that require a set of photos processed entirely that way.

Which hasn't happened, a bit like catch 22. unless I do it in my spare time, but you see, I have 4 weddings in the can needs editing...

I don't have time at the moment to edit an entire wedding in the new style and on top of all my othe commitments.
Cool shot, processing is great and there's just something about it that I really like.


Is that a John Malcovic lookalike on that tube shot by GTRacer?

Only just noticed him lol.

That tube shot is ace. Have you done any colour replacements?

Thanks, and no I haven't, it was shot on Ektar 100 film and I think I underexposed it so the blacks ended up being a little blue, I quite like the effect it gives though.

Here are some of my favourite shots from a roll I shot on Thursday, Ilford HP5+ at 400, self deved:

At the opening of the Supreme store in London (5x4 crop suited it better):



Friends, pretty happy that I managed to nail the focus at 1.5 while they were joking about.




That train one is brilliant tbh, as is the night one with the couple above!

2 more I've gotten round to processing:

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