The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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It is and it isn't :p

I took 3 photographs of various exposures, merged all 3 to a neutral HDR then took the +/-0 EV exposure as a base in Photoshop and layered the HDR under it then selectively began soft erasing the base layer so elements of the HDR show up above the photos. I then imported the result back into Lightroom and applied some final processing :)
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Cheers! Just seeing what people post on Urban Exploration sites within the local area or within driving distances :p

Here are a few more:






^ That hole at the end? Yup that's the way in and out :p And yes, the walkway in the middle is rickety and wobbly and that is some kind of sludge at the bottom!!
Where/what is that mrk? Great shots.

It is Pyestock Gas Turbine testing facility, been closed since 2000 and since the 60s, has been one of the World's biggest and secret engine testing grounds. Concorde's engines were tested here, for example!
Miles away :( Looks like an awesome place for urbexing though.

Aye it's a pretty cool place but is due to be demolished and turned into redevelopment projects!

The last shot posted was the chamber used in Sahara, just a little tid-fact!
Love those shots mrk.

What kind of lighting, lens and filters (if any) did you use? Was it mostly all shot with a tripod?

Just interested as I've not done much indoor stuff and struggle enough with the outdoors :/
Thanks Dup,

I’d love to take my umbrellas and wireless lighting with me to these places as it would make for some amazing results I imagine, but it’s not possible unfortunately due to the fact that you need to crawl and/or climb to get into a lot of these chambers/rooms and buildings and carrying too much is just not ideal!

You can take a flashgun or two and use those but there’s nowhere to bounce off so results can come out wrong so what I do instead is have high powered LED torches and paint the place with light and mix in a bit of HDR as well – This works excellently on most occasions. It does mean that I spend double or triple the time needed to come up with a suitable result in processing but it’s the only way to go about it I guess.

I use a Canon 40D and 10-22 Canon lens, the lens is great for indoor shots, it's super sharp wide open as well so that's a bonus although not surprising since it uses the same elements found on L lenses :p
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