The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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My general editing style is quite contrasty with a lot of saturation so I decided to play around with a slightly more muted feel to the image and came up with this. Not the greatest photo but good fun to mess around with :p Also tried a different crop.

Pizza by B_Alexander, on Flickr
It's been some weeks since I last went out to take photos and was a bit bored this evening so ended up playing with some led torches and...Danbo :rolleyes::p


Just a curious question. Do people not get annoyed/paranoid when you take pictures of them in public places?

99% of the time, no. 100% for me as I've yet to encounter someone who minded.
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It's been some weeks since I last went out to take photos and was a bit bored this evening so ended up playing with some led torches and...Danbo :rolleyes::

Where did you get your Danbo from? I'm currently on a bit of a quest to find interesting "small characters" to take pics of.
I went up london with my 7D with a few friends so I tryed to take a few shots (still got a lot to learn I never really done street photography but I used the 50mm 1.8)

Had a muck around with water drops earlier, finally managed a collision :)

Finally got the height, drip rate sorted, took 250 goes mind ;), not the best, but best so far.

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Have had next to no time for photography this week due to schoolwork / rowing so this is all I have managed to churn out. More will probably follow as I took a few for my sister's art project (theme cogs) but this is all I have had time to edit for now.

Cogs by B_Alexander, on Flickr
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