The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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How strange, I just stumbled across this set on flickr. Didn't even notice this. I decided I prefer the colour shot of her in the seat, as her left (right as you look at her) isn't symmetrical. It's a great photo (the colour version is nicer), but the eye is VERY distracting for me.
Thanks, I think it's one of those things that you either don't notice (I hadn't at first) but once spotted it's all you can focus on. Probably overstepping the mark by cloning one eye twice. :p

Really like this, only thing I'd personally want to change is removing the telegraph pole/cable.

Like that!

Another one from last weekends shoot:-

Grace Shaw - Altostratus (Kitchen) 02 by AndyBakerUK, on Flickr
Really like this, only thing I'd personally want to change is removing the telegraph pole/cable.

Cheers! I did consider removing the cable and pole as some folks wanted to see the same on reddit/flickr ( but in the end I decided against it (see description update for reason!).

I know we all like to remove distractions from our images but there are times when rules are meant to be broken and nothing should be touched :cool:
Just waiting for my train home from work when...


Portrait of a Pigeon!
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