The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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When up there you could feel the wobble of the crane, wind speed was 13kmh up there according to the crane instruments panel. We were at the top where the balancing weights are and standing on the weights to get perspective. If your shutter speed is fast enough (say 1 second) then you don't tend to get much (if any) shake in the photos. The timelapse was 1s shot every 5 seconds which seemed to work out quite well.

BW 360 Panorama - London by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

That's really cool. Love the look of the B&W :)
I don't know Bradley personally but the guys I'm with do, he's been to some places that man!

That's really cool. Love the look of the B&W :)
Cheers! Colour looks ok but I wasn't a fan of the clouds as stitching caused them to look funny in colour.

It always makes me laugh when people try to claim some sort of political/social stance to trespassing. At the end of the day it's just bragging rights in that circle of friends/photographers/'explorers'.

What I've always wondered is do people get prosecuted when they post photos of themselves trespassing? If someone posts video of themselves speeding, they get done if they can be traced. If you trespass and host the image yourself on your own webspace, tracking you down would be a non issue.

There's no criminal activity being committed though which is the main thing here. At best, even on an MOD site, you just get escorted off, the rest of the time security are reading a magazine or eating a burger or watching TV in their huts none the wiser.

I know a lot of these explorers go to such places because it's a thrill and the pictures speak for themselves and these are pictures nobody else will be easily able to get either but it's not all positive stuff as there are also explorers who go to places to steal stuff and sell later on or ruin access for anyone else later. In all groups with all things, not just photography, there are a small minority putting a bad name out for that group. Urban Exploration is just one in a mix of many!
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Stunning pictures as always mrk - you'd never catch me up at that height. :p

On topic - we took a trip up the River Forth earlier this morning and I took these:

Hope you like - as always cc is appreciated.

Thanks :)
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I don't know Bradley personally but the guys I'm with do, he's been to some places that man!

Cheers! Colour looks ok but I wasn't a fan of the clouds as stitching caused them to look funny in colour.

There's no criminal activity being committed though which is the main thing here. At best, even on an MOD site, you just get escorted off, the rest of the time security are reading a magazine or eating a burger or watching TV in their huts none the wiser.

I know a lot of these explorers go to such places because it's a thrill and the pictures speak for themselves and these are pictures nobody else will be easily able to get either but it's not all positive stuff as there are also explorers who go to places to steal stuff and sell later on or ruin access for anyone else later. In all groups with all things, not just photography, there are a small minority putting a bad name out for that group. Urban Exploration is just one in a mix of many!

and you wouldn't believe how easy it is to walk into some places whilst wearing a polo with a company logo on. At 2am I walked into the security room of Tower 42 (Natwest Tower), asked for a key to a room of our partner company so I could gain access to our kit (with their permission, all verbal though) and within 10 mins I was on the top floor of Tower 42 and I could have quite easily have gone onto the room unsupervised. I didn't obviously, I am a pussy and had to change a piece of hardware.
There's no criminal activity being committed though which is the main thing here.

Yes there is, trespassing :p

Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting on a high horse here as often I like the photos these activities result in, as do national papers it would seem ;) It also is interesting to me to see areas you wouldn't normally. I used to explore myself without cameras in years gone by, for this reason. It just bugs me when these people can't be honest about why they do it and have to make up something like in that article posted above that's so transparent it to me makes them sound like uneducated criminals that should have scorn placed upon them. After all if it isn't about bragging rights how did the paper get the story off them?
Must admit I haven't read that full article, just saw the guy's name and skimmed to the pics!

As for the other topic on exploring:
99% of the time the papers see the pictures on Facebook or Flickr etc and approach whoever uploaded them because they want to write an article about those images and how they came about. I can't speak for the stories given by other people on whether they are genuine but indeed the couple of times mine have been published certainly have been.

I work with a small local group of friends and how we go a out exploring is different to other groups around the country really, we do not break in, we do not take anything and we leave no trace - Only there for the pictures. I've read quotes from other explorers who go under well known usernames on urbex forums (I don't post on those forums any more having learnt what most of them are all about, just fronts for dodgy activities in most cases). It's all the politics side of things as mentioned before and it's just not worth it.

Speaking of which.. Believe it or not, getting urbex pictures published brings more hassle than bragging rights. In the cases where a certain well known urbex forum, if it's not one of them featuring in a media article then they will bandwagon together and spend days posting up threads about it and how the people who gave those pictures to the media are awful and ruining urbex for everyone else (that's just putting it nicely for this forum, can't use the language here some used over recent times :p).

As for being a crime, under certain circumstances 'Trespass of the land' can be considered a crime (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994) but it's up to the court to decide what to do about it if a claim is made. Nobody that I know of has been charged with any offence. Those that have been seen by the police on site have only been questioned and let go because there's been no evidence of a criminal offence being committed, simply people taking photographs and nothing more.

Back on topic :p

we took a trip up the River Forth earlier this morning and I took these:

Hope you like - as always cc is appreciated.

Thanks :)

Is this place near to you? You'll get some very atmospheric bridge shots at different times of the day, dusk and dawn will give amazing light for you to shoot and witness - Definitely have a play with that idea I'd say :)
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Is this place near to you? You'll get some very atmospheric bridge shots at different times of the day, dusk and dawn will give amazing light for you to shoot and witness - Definitely have a play with that idea I'd say :)

That's the Forth Road Bridge and it's about a 30 second drive from my house :p

Now I've got myself a new tripod I'll definitely try for a few atmospheric shots especially with winter coming up and the cold crisp mornings.

Than you mrk :)
No tripod

Afraid not :(

Afraid so :(

Seems to be a lot of shake in the bridge detailing.

I noticed that too during processing but thought I'd share it anyway as it's a 100% improvement on my first attempt at capturing the bridge at night where I ended up binning all of the pictures I took. Last night was supposed to be a quick five min drive up to Tesco which ended up a 90 mins drive with the roof down :D

My intention was to try and capture some moon shots but low cloud soon put paid to that idea - my new tripod is now in my car and weather permitting I'll make another attempt tonight. :)
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