The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Phal great shots - lots of detail. I can't help but feel they would benefit from a touch more saturation and different crop - maybe have a play?
Phal great shots - lots of detail. I can't help but feel they would benefit from a touch more saturation and different crop - maybe have a play?

Oddly enough I already bumped the saturation and luminance by about 20 each in Lightroom hehe :)

Those shots were taken when it was very overcast. The last few shots I took whilst driving out had a bit more light though :)

Pimpin Deer by Phal44, on Flickr
Bought my Nikon D3200 hoping to be at the Forth Road Bridge this Sunday gone but work ended up changing my location. Rather annoying as I could have 2/3 hours spare at sunrise to learn how to use the damn thing.

Oh well. Some wonderful pictures in here.

Loving the street scenes - pretty sure I've been in that restaurant/pub across the road there :p

Bought my Nikon D3200 hoping to be at the Forth Road Bridge this Sunday gone but work ended up changing my location. Rather annoying as I could have 2/3 hours spare at sunrise to learn how to use the damn thing.

Oh well. Some wonderful pictures in here.

To be fair it's due to be very heavy rain with low cloud all weekend here so you wouldn't have seen much of a sunrise I'm afraid :(

Took these a while ago:

Weather has put paid to my plans for photography this weekend as well as I was hoping to practice some light trails :(
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The Camel's Head by Hyburnuts, on Flickr
I think I used a too wide aperture or used the wrong focus point :( Either way, the nose isn't in focus. I really like the B&W filter.

I tried to use leading lines with the wood behind... Not sure if it worked or not
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Cool shot, had something similar planned for a while now but the ambient light hasn't been right!
Thanks :)

Wanted to do it for about 3 years (ever since I bought that umbrella and it's been in my car ever since), just never had a chance to get the umbrella out. Never had a wedding that rained until yesterday.
The shot I want is the sunset behind you see, it's been impossible with the timing and venue locations so far, the only one where it was doable I didn't have umbrellas! Hoping next month will be the one though.

The rain today and yesterday has been pretty crazy.
I saw the rain "marched" across the field towards us yesterday, it was like a wall of waterfall moving towards you in the air at GREAT speed.

Everybody ran!
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