Gave this a go today in London. Asked 7 people and got 2 that said yes. Lesson learnt; don't do it on peoples lunch breaks and don't do it in crap weather lol.
For future I'll aim to get some business style cards done with email and flickr address on so they can get the pictures easily, aim to stop for more of a chat and do it in better weather lol.
Tbh, good job for having the gut's to give it a go, a little bit more finesse, and your success rate will be the opposite it is now.
They arn't bad portraits either!
Ejizz - Out of curiosity what sort of things do you say to them as you are taking their portrait? Found myself running a bit low on things to say at times.
Anything really, it just depends on the subject.
If they are giving a fake smile, I shout, teeth, show me TEETH! If done non-aggressively or submissively, they will usually start laughing.
I sometimes suggest that they do a big star jump, a catwalk down the high street, anything as long as I feel there is a strong chance I will be able to get away with it.
If it's a group, I'll address the group, maybe ask who in the group is seeing each other etc. if a girl or boy happen to be standing close together, I'll ask if they are going out, if they say "oh, we are just friends" I usually reply, "oh, I see your '
just friends'!" in a slightly sarcastic voice, If they fancy each other, they usually don't actually say anything other than giggle, if they do, "click" "click" "click".
Sometimes I don't say anything...