The Postman just can...

18 Oct 2002
Colne.... Up Norf.
The Postman just came...

what an odd time of the day for the Postman.. but im happy with what he had to deliver.

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Ive been having a lot of DT with these SMP clients, what with 1hr long waits at the end of every WU and even a day or so idle with no Wus... :(

Also Apple not releasing the 8-core Macpro is starting to annoy me... not that I can afford it ATM what with buying a car...
DreederOcUK said:
Ive been having a lot of DT with these SMP clients, what with 1hr long waits at the end of every WU and even a day or so idle with no Wus... :(

Also Apple not releasing the 8-core Macpro is starting to annoy me... not that I can afford it ATM what with buying a car...
hehe the downtimes not an excuse! my core2s are suffering from that as well (along with all the other errors after wu finishes etc!)
you're just SLACKING!
-oneunit flag on the winSMP for the win \o/
removes all the hassel, just need to setup a shortcut and remember so start a new one when previous is finished.

or if running the Linux SMP, have a normal client taking up the 5-12% slack and any down time when uploading/download new WU's :D (extra 50ppd on the rubish 212*'s but every little helps)

or run two linux smps if your chip is fast enough (aka 3.2+) and you have the ram :eek:
joeyjojo said:
Wait a sec, why? To get rid of the downtime after finishing a unit?

I'm new :p

No, to stop it crashing or refusing to download a new WU for 1-12hours
Ok if you don't/can't manually restart it you got downtime anyway (just without the messing around or endtasking the various exe files)
shadowscotland said:
-oneunit flag on the winSMP for the win \o/
removes all the hassel, just need to setup a shortcut and remember so start a new one when previous is finished.

You could make a little batch file that does all that for you, you just need a simple loop that restarts once the client has finished.

Paste this into a file called loopingfah.bat (alter client location as appropriate)

@echo off
echo Starting FAH for the first time
echo -------------------------------
"C:\Program Files\Folding@Home Windows SMP Client V1.01\fah.exe" -oneunit -verbosity 9 -local
echo Restarting FAH
echo -------------------------------
"C:\Program Files\Folding@Home Windows SMP Client V1.01\fah.exe" -oneunit -verbosity 9 -local
goto restart

Edited to use default location for the Windows SMP client.
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uncle_fungus said:
You could make a little batch file that does all that for you, you just need a simple loop that restarts once the client has finished.

Paste this into a file called loopingfah.bat (alter client location as appropriate)

OMG.. you are too damn useful.. thats great. :)
VeNT said:
the system cannot find the patch specified

That's why I said edit as appropriate. ;)

It works perfectly if you get the location right.

Edit: The default location for the Windows SMP client is : C:\Program Files\Folding@Home Windows SMP Client V1.01

I'll edit the code above to reflect this.
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