The Python Walkthrough Thread

Sign me up, completed Phase 3.

Also working through the Python section on

Finally completed Assignment 2 and got full marks, been using Python for some time now but the course is giving me more insight into programming in general.
Certainly clearing the fog.
I'll give Richie a prod to publish more material.
Still not got a Pi bit planning to soon,
Everything going ok with you guys, how is the course?

I understand Pi is now on Revision2b now?
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Can I still take part in this? Been learning Python on and off for last 2 months or so. Made my way through some of codeacademy, codingbat and up to exercise 3x in learn python the hardway. Anything else that gives me some practice and a different viewpoint to work with would be welcome.

Aptana necessary? I have been using cmd and notepad++ so far.
Anyone can take part, but I think Rich must be swamped as he's not updated this in a long time.

Project Euler is good for solving problems with code.
I finished phase 3 at last, well I only really started it today but got around to doing it at least. Some of it I already knew but had never come across classes before and they seem a little baffling to me at the moment.

My aim is to try and do at least 1 hour of Python a day, I have been meaning to learn programming for ages now and intend on doing it with OU in October so all the practice I can get now should hopefully help with the logic behind it all when I start. I have plenty of time to do it, just need to stop being so lazy and knuckle down.

Has anyone heard from richie lately and know what is going on with the rest of it?
I finished phase 3 at last, well I only really started it today but got around to doing it at least. Some of it I already knew but had never come across classes before and they seem a little baffling to me at the moment.

My aim is to try and do at least 1 hour of Python a day, I have been meaning to learn programming for ages now and intend on doing it with OU in October so all the practice I can get now should hopefully help with the logic behind it all when I start. I have plenty of time to do it, just need to stop being so lazy and knuckle down.

Has anyone heard from richie lately and know what is going on with the rest of it?
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