The Queen's Gambit (Netflix)

/1 episode to go.

Yeah easily one of the best things ive watched this year. Even funnier because i know about chess.

Its not exactly a stunningly interesting story but its really well executed, brilliantly acted and i feel captures the time really well.

The only jaring thing for me is Thomas Brodie-Sangster's tash, and actually his whole character reminds me of a guy i knew at uni, almost to a T... lol weirdo.

Just been watching BBC news channel and Allan Scott who bought the rights to the original story and who got it to Netflix, was being interviewed. Queen's Gambit is officially the most watched show on Netflix. Tons of people have now taken up chess as a result and apparently you can't buy a chess board online as they're all sold out! He said during the making of the series, he had consulted Gary Kasparov who said check and checkmate must not be said. Scott said well how do we tell the audience when a player is in trouble and Kasparov just said they must find another way.

Also, Anya Taylor Joy had to learn how to play chess.

There was a very small hint of a second series.
i didn't think i would like this show but really enjoyed it.
i like the limited series format. they drag some series out with multiple series when it should have ended after the first one
Just finished re-watching this and it was just as great the second time around, maybe even better than the first, I still ended up with tears in my eyes when she revisits the basement after the funeral and fist pumping when she finally destroys Borgov. I got to concentrate on the subtleties of Anya Taylor-Joy's performance this time, it really was a masterclass in acting, the girl's got outrageous talent. I feel this is going to be far from my last visit to the world of Beth Harmon. :)
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