***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

SKILL said:
How much are you short UncleBob?

About 50K. I've got the extra flying in from another colony, but due to the distance I've had to set it as a fleetsave deployment to arrive first thing in the morning.

Not too much of a loss I suppose :)

Beefing up my defences quite a lot at the moment as I'm getting to the point where buildings and research are going to start costing a fair bit.

350 ML, 300 SL, 60 HL, 52 Ion & 20 Gauss should help dissuade a few of the locals, though I admit it would be like throwing a snowball at the sun if any of the big chaps took an interest :p

Davey_Pitch said:
I've magaed to pull enough together thanks to Andy letting me know about that planet, so I can start comp tech level 10 in about 20 mins, though it takes 25 hours to research! Any ideas what the Nanite factory actually costs to build?

And how're you doing on Plasma tech? I've researched it up to level 4 so far, pushing it up to level 5 will get me ever closer to getting bombers :)

Not got Plasma technology yet - spending more on the tech tree requirements for Intergalactic Research Network at the the moment. I already have the colonies getting Research labs up to speed in readiness for it.
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what is the point in recyclers? what do you have to have to speed them up???

2000 is the speed.... my god... a third of the speed of my next slowest. im having to leave them out of any attacks as they slow the rest of the fleet down. :(
computer tech will complete in 16 hours :)

also got 5 bombers here, they're fab :D

im fairly sure someone said a nanite factory cost something like 1 million metal and 600k crystal or something
UncleBob, if you're in 2:xxx i may be able to get 50k to you quicker, for a price of course? :p

helpimcrap, you send recyclers to a planets debris field, not along with the main attack...
helpimcrap said:
what is the point in recyclers? what do you have to have to speed them up???

2000 is the speed.... my god... a third of the speed of my next slowest. im having to leave them out of any attacks as they slow the rest of the fleet down. :(

Recylcers can collect resources from debris field (no others can do this).
The best tactic for them is to send them in advance, to the debris field you will make when you destroy some ones fleet and/or defenses (do defenses leave debris?).
The idea being that you attack fleet blows everything up, moments later you recylers scoop up all of the resource. A few of us lost several hundred thousand of resources this week, due to this.
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Recyclers can be really useful when you start getting big fleets, and then fleet crashing your enemies. You can end up with debris fields of 500k metal and crystal, which you can harvest for no risk whatsoever. I've only got 5, but I need more as I'm starting to find (and create) some nice debris fields.
All you can really do to speed them up is research combustion engine, which adds 10% to the speed per level. At level 8 my recyclers have a heady top speed of... um.. 3600. :p

Ideally you want to send them out to a debris field well in advance, then time your attack to arrive minutes before the recyclers do.
i still have a tiny fleet, even though i have nearly 15,000 points

5 bombers
15 battleships
10 cruisers
5 heavy fighters

^^ thats rubbish :p
helpimcrap said:
hmmm can i send one to a DF when there isnt one there yet?

send an espionage drone in on attack, it gets blown up making a tiny DF... then when your main fleet hits your recyclers are 1/2 way to the DF, which will have grown... make sure you send enough recyclers to collect the proper DF... use a simulator to check how much will be there

the aim is to get the recyclers there like 2 minutes after your fleet hits :), tis all about the timing
Mines nothing to write home about - i probably spend too much on defence (your fleet would last 2 rounds against my planetary defences alone :p )

123 light fighters
48 heavy fighters
24 cruisers
7 battleships

I know I'm a bit short on battleships....
I've currently got:
28 light fighters
80 heavy fighters
30 cruisers
8 battleships

got another 3 battleships in my queue, which is a mere 17 hours long now :p
UncleBob said:
Nah, it would take six rounds to wipe out your fleet in a ship vs ship scenario. Previous example was if you attacked my planet whilst I was fleetsaved.

ooo 6 rounds, that's gotta be close

although my numbers arnt that high i guess the firepower isnt bad at all :p
Nanite Factory
A nanite factory is the ultimate evolution of robotics. Every upgraded level provides for more and more efficient nanites to increase the speed of construction.
Requires: Metal:1.000.000 Crystal:500.000 Deuterium:100.000
Production time: 2 days 6h 32m 43s

All I have to do now is save...

And Defences DO NOT create DF's.

And LOL... My fleet (pale in comparison to others on here):
20BS (after the next 4 build)

That's it! :p

The rest is cargo's, and I have a wee raiding fleet elsewhere of 10HF, 5Cruisers, 4BS's.

EDIT - And nice one fRostiE on the bombers.
They look sweeeet for raids on defended planets.
That research is a while away yet.

I quite like the fact that you can reseach different things at different times, and that one type of item can be researched, with others being left for later - With no detrimental effects etc.
fRostiE already has bombers.
Uncle Bob had the ability to build BS's way before me.
I've got Esp tech 9 and ready for nanites, but still cannot build bombers etc.
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good to know im following captain fizz quite closely in the way we're playing the game

seems we're concentrating on research rather than having a mightly fleet at the moment

the requirements for the nanite factory arn't that bad actually, could get that together in 2-3 days i recon

its all in order, metal theres a lot of.. crystal theres a fair amount of, deut theres hardly any about ... so its nice in a way it goes 1000k, 500k, 100k

SKILL said:
UncleBob, if you're in 2:xxx i may be able to get 50k to you quicker, for a price of course? :p

helpimcrap, you send recyclers to a planets debris field, not along with the main attack...

I'm at 2:211:10

If you can manage 2 hours, I can pay 100k metal if thats ok?
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