***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

rich99million said:
how do you just send a fleet somewhere and back?

do you have to select the debris field?
Well, set it to go somewhere on Transport and it will always come back.
On Attack - Always come back.
On harvest - Always comes back.

Deploy & Colonise will make the ships stay there.

So basically anything except Deploy or Colonise. (Might be a few others...)

And memphisto, I thought the moon would reduce probage. :D
You won't get an (i) for 2 weeks, so not much suspicion would be aroused either.

Mind you... I'd spend every last penny on defence before you go.
Then when you are back, the res that's built up is safe, and you can save up for things with some feeling of security when you get back.
(Not a lot, as there's always someone bigger, but some. ;) )
but if you have it on transport and a load of res onboard won't it leave the res wherever you've told it to go?

i ask as i don't have a second planet yet and i'm still a bit noobish :p
LOL - Yep... But if it's your secondary planet... It'll get lots of res to build with.
If he's away for some time, either pick a DF field some way off, res comes back.

Or if you want the res for the other planet, transport.

Of if there's an (iI), risk involved, but there'll be an extra iccle bit of res too.

Many options, all save the fleet, and if transporting to T.N.G... Not likely to be raided for it if he's not on the PC immediately when he get's back. :)
ah cool - thanks for that

yeah so far each night i've just sent my cargo's out to un-defended inactives as although there's not much to lose i time it so i get a nice big res injection ready for the next morning

should have colony ships soon so that'll help simplify matters :)
Yep - Before bed I try to fill up my fleetslots with raids, then the last fleetslot, try to find a decent DF...
Then send my ships, along with the harvesters, to the DF.
At say 40 or 50% speed.
So they arrive back when I arive back at work.

(And can thereby keep an eye on things during the day. And maybe send out a few raids too... ;) )
Tachyon said:
Hmm, there's a bit of an unfair gulf it seems once you're out of noob protection, can't say I'm looking forward to it.

When you come out of noob protection does it still show strong players in red or does everyone above you turn white as well?
I bribed him off in the end, and he's happy to wait a day for it, as I started construction on my nanite factory while we were exchanging messages.

And yup, when you come out of noob protection, everyone goes white bar the players who are protected from you. I actually probed the guy who is ranked 5th overall in Uni3 thinking he wasn't very strong (as he's not in an alliance), though thankfully he was decent enough to point out who he was before I did anything silly.
LOL - Yep!
If not, before you invest money in the planet, deleting it and colonising 14, or waiting 24 hours and trying 15 again may be a good plan.

I know that getting the 116 field planets will prob be a hinderance later on.
But already spent a lot of time on them, so they are now my personal farms. :D

Just wondering how much to upgrade the mines so I get what I invested back in a reasonable amount of time before deleting them.
A couple of noobish questions for you.

I just started a colony today and built the mines and research lab up a bit but when I got home from work and checked I had lost all the upgrades I had done, except for the Solar plant. Is this just a bug or did I do something stupid?

With just 803 points how can I be rank 1447 of 10070 in uni 7? Is that a mistake as well, or are there really that many worse players than me? I have only been playing this for 2 or 3 weeks,

just curious how many of you play this at work as well as at home, and how much time you spend on it while at work? :cool:

i spend a lot at the moment but its always quiet in August.
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Davey_Pitch said:
I bribed him off in the end, and he's happy to wait a day for it, as I started construction on my nanite factory while we were exchanging messages.

And yup, when you come out of noob protection, everyone goes white bar the players who are protected from you. I actually probed the guy who is ranked 5th overall in Uni3 thinking he wasn't very strong (as he's not in an alliance), though thankfully he was decent enough to point out who he was before I did anything silly.

I think I'm going to write down as many co-ords of the white players round me as they stand now so that I don't do anything stupid & send a probe to the wrong guy. Nice one for getting to hold off, you have to be careful with bullies though, they'll come back looking for more. :)
Tachyon said:
I think I'm going to write down as many co-ords of the white players round me as they stand now so that I don't do anything stupid & send a probe to the wrong guy. Nice one for getting to hold off, you have to be careful with bullies though, they'll come back looking for more. :)
He actually seems a decent bloke now, we've started joking over email. Never hurts to have friends in high places. The payoff was cheap as well - 300k metal, 150k crystal, and 100k deuterium. That's about what I get from a typical set of raids, so it's not a big price to pay. I'd have to pay a lot more than that to rebuild my defence if he decided to crush it with several waves of attack.
Captain Fizz said:
LOL - Yep!
If not, before you invest money in the planet, deleting it and colonising 14, or waiting 24 hours and trying 15 again may be a good plan.

I know that getting the 116 field planets will prob be a hinderance later on.
But already spent a lot of time on them, so they are now my personal farms. :D

Just wondering how much to upgrade the mines so I get what I invested back in a reasonable amount of time before deleting them.

Waaaaa?!?!?! So I could have deleted my 35 field planet and retained my colony ship???? Dagnabbit. :mad:
Ian Mac said:
A I just started a colony today and built the mines and research lab up a bit but when I got home from work and checked I had lost all the upgrades I had done, except for the Solar plant. Is this just a bug or did I do something stupid?

B With just 803 points how can I be rank 1447 of 10070 in uni 7? Is that a mistake as well, or are there really that many worse players than me? I have only been playing this for 2 or 3 weeks,

C just curious how many of you play this at work as well as at home, and how much time you spend on it while at work? :cool:
A - I do not believe you CAN upgrade your research lab until you have duet.
And it is pointless to upgrade the research lab on any other planet except your main research planet... Unless you have IRN. (Much later)
Stick to METAL mines, solar, metal, solar then crystal etc. Finally getting a deut mine when your metal mine is lvl8 or summat.

I find that works for my colonies. They use massive amounts of metal to get them started.

B - Apparently due to the mass of germans and really strong/forcefull players, a lot of peeps have gone inactive in Uni7.
Seems to be getting quieter. Seems like it's a uni of STRONG players, and the rest of them. (General opinion on a particular thread on the ogame forums)

C - Erm... I did set the alarm for 3/4 am for the first week. :p But have calmed down a little.
Still access it all day in work, but eally only to check up on it and send out a set of 10 raids at lunchtime. (Gotta love lvl10 Comp Tech)
But yes, even if I visit friends, I spend at least 10 mins on Ogame if I am round for any length of time.
Davey_Pitch said:
He actually seems a decent bloke now, we've started joking over email. Never hurts to have friends in high places. The payoff was cheap as well - 300k metal, 150k crystal, and 100k deuterium. That's about what I get from a typical set of raids, so it's not a big price to pay. I'd have to pay a lot more than that to rebuild my defence if he decided to crush it with several waves of attack.

isnt that against the rules though davey ?
Royality said:
Waaaaa?!?!?! So I could have deleted my 35 field planet and retained my colony ship???? Dagnabbit. :mad:

If you colonise a planet... That's it. Colony ship gone.
But if you "Surrender Colony", then send out ANOTHER colony ship to the same location... You will get a different amount of fields.

Try again, again, and again until you have a planet with high fields.

For just now though, to begin with, above 100 or 120 will do.

Once the mines on your established planets are bigger, then it is a lot easier to get a planet up from scratch to half decent quickly.
So you have to weigh up the 2 sides of the coin...
-Use the planet as a farm, but maybe have to delete it later to get more fields.
-Delete the planet immediately, have to get another colony ship, but at least no time or res has been spent on the tiny planet.

Let me re-iterate - Colony ships are a 1 shot deal.
You CANNOT decide the planet is not for you and get the ship back.

Oh, and memphisto - If there is no trade going the opposite way, yes. The STRONGER player can get his account barred.
But the weaker players account seems to be OK. ;)
memphisto said:
isnt that against the rules though davey ?

yes it is.

he should know better (the guy ranked 5th)

and shame on you davey, always read the rulies, i suggest you suspend yourself for 24 hours from OcUK for infringing the o-game rules :D
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