***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

im raiding like mad as usual, but i cant spend any of it for the next 24 hours until some research is finished, then the big one in 38 hours when my nanite factory is done, then im gonna pump what ever resources i amass between now and then into a build queue :p

Hmm - had to knock the nanite factory on its head for the time being. Establishing new colonies in galaxies 1 (en route) and 3 (197 slots), so shipping out a lot of resources to get them up to speed pretty sharpish.

Beisdes, If TUPA and their heavyweight pals are snooping around i'm not sure i want a million metal on one planet, unless its all arriving within an hour a so.
its not looking good if that musical guy is snooping about. him and a guy called psychic duck took out the whole SITH alliance and forced them to disband last week :S
i've been playing a couple of weeks and im only 241 size i've just created a colony too, how am i so bad?

5:80:8 - planetrib - uni3. member of t.n.g.

fRostiE said:
im raiding like mad as usual, but i cant spend any of it for the next 24 hours until some research is finished, then the big one in 38 hours when my nanite factory is done, then im gonna pump what ever resources i amass between now and then into a build queue :p


I probably could do the same, if only there were more viable targets locally. The few that do have good stockpiles have a huge amount of defences, making it uneconomic to raid them.

My new colony in glaxy 3 seems quite well placed though - I may transfer a load of ships over later as it looks like prime farming territory :)
UncleBob said:
Hmm - had to knock the nanite factory on its head for the time being.
Yep - Same as me...
1 mill metal can be used elsewhere for a greater benefit to me.

Looks like fRostiE is going fleet-based. So he's gonna be one of the main fleetcrasher/raiders. :D

I'm still going to concentrate on mines & research until mines are 26/24/20 or thereabouts. That seems to be about 3 months to get your res back at those levels.

Then fleet.

Then more mines. ;)

And Uncle Bob - I've just setup a new planet in Gal3... it does indeed look rather tasty thereabouts. :D
Methinks it will become the main raiding planet... Even though it only has 2 SC's at the mo. :p
lol galaxy 3 and prime farming territory do not go together . im constantly getting warned off by people and there mates when i probe them :(

my best raiding day was probably when i moved my fleet to galaxy 2 and carried out loads of attacks
UncleBob said:
My new colony in glaxy 3 seems quite well placed though - I may transfer a load of ships over later as it looks like prime farming territory :)

yeh im gonna set up a raiding planet somewhere in 3:xxx:xx or maybe 2:xxx:xx

should have some more established people there, if its anything like where i am now, i'll have another good set of people to raid :D



fizz, i figure my current incoming resources from farms i've found in 4:xxx:xx is enough to upgrade mines and knock afew ships together, setting up a 2nd raiding post will allow me to really get big numbers of battleships and bombers together... then im gonna fleet crash like a monkeh !
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Captain Fizz said:
EDIT - The best way I have found of finding someone's points is by going through the top 15000 and copy & pasting them into Exel.
Then you can just search for the name.

If you are just over 5000 points, then if the name appears on the list - He's harder than you. @1500 currently is Davey_Pitch at ~10K points.
Well done on appearing on the scoreboard Davey. :D

Yay! Don't know how long I'll be there for, I'm still talking to this guy who ranked 350 odd. I told him about the pushing rule, and I'm trying to resolve the situation peacefully. If I manage it, T.N.G could end up with a NAP with 2 big alliances, which is always good (considering how strong Elite are).
the_brainaic said:
Just had my first raid combat report, with my whole 1 small cargo ship! It's actually pretty exciting. No defense so it was just free res, I'm not complaining!
And the res from that SC, makes 2 other SC's... Which makes another 4 SC's... Which makes another set of SC's etc, etc. :D

And I find that lots of fleet slots early on is good.
You can then send out more and more raids per hour so the fleet slots pay themselves back very quickly.

By the initial scans, my 3:xxx raiding colony is going to do well, as good as my initial raids from 1:4xx. But hopefully more sustainable! :p
yeh set up another colony, send afew ships from your current one.. saves you building a shipyard - although you'll need one for defence i guess

then get to raiding :)
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