***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Personally I split the fleet ages ago. Some cargo ships are doing long haul missions to other galaxies, others are barely going out of the solar system. It means that I have a constant stream of raided resources (well... just about) and every now and then I get a nice huge present :)

I've found a few close to 60k of resources, but I've raided them all so their running a bit low :p
makes sense, will build another large cargo I think,

2 raiding parties then one with 6 small cargo and 4 light fighters

otehr with 2 large cargo and 2 light 2 heavy fighters

only got to wait 3.5 hours till they come back form one big raid :p
got 2 espionage probes and espionage tech at level 4

i just checked a guy out i couldnt see before and found this !!

Metal: 46055 Crystal: 18355
Deuterium: 8437 Energy: 1253
Metal Mine 15 Crystal Mine 12
Deuterium Synthesizer 11 Solar Plant 15
Robotic Factory 6 Shipyard 4
Research Lab 3

Chance of counterespionage:0%

oops my mistake its a different planet. Just has a very similar level of resources but the tech is completely different. You're clear to raid :)
wooooooooo :D

gotta wait for my current raids to get back (4 hours)

then im gonna send out all 8 - yes, eight small cargo ships and steal a chunk of his stuff :p

i really need to get on and build some big cargo's they're faster as well ! :/
hehe did my first raid lastnight. did it on one of the 5 guys in my galaxy thta have been away for 4 weeks.

returns from 3:185:5 to yox [3:185:6] . The fleet delivers 1666 metal, 1666 crystal and 1666 deuterium

:D may not seem much to some of you experts but to me thats great.
nice one :)

now your raiding your in for bigger resources makings... you can delevlop at a higher rate as long as you keep the raiding going

if you havnt already you might want to get espionage tech... im sure memphisto, afew others and myself will espionage afew planets for you in the mean time, so you can continue raiding ;)

im off to work until 4:30 today tho :p

andy8271 said:
hehe did my first raid lastnight. did it on one of the 5 guys in my galaxy thta have been away for 4 weeks.

returns from 3:185:5 to yox [3:185:6] . The fleet delivers 1666 metal, 1666 crystal and 1666 deuterium

:D may not seem much to some of you experts but to me thats great.

Good god that guy you raided has HUGE resources :eek: are you sure it has no defenses? my fleet may just have a little look at it ;)
could someone with a high espionage tech lvl send a probe to 3:330:9 for us please?
and 3:328:7 if youd be so kind...thanks
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Resources on Zion [3:328:7] at 07-17 12:10:09
Metal: 23732 Crystal: 2892
Deuterium: 0 Energy: 79
Metal Mine 2 Solar Plant 3

Chance of counterespionage:0%

Looks good for metal
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