The Repopulation + kickstarter - SciFi Sandbox MMORPG Thread

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
The Repopulation is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. The action takes place on the planet Rhyldan, with the only known remaining human population fighting for their very existence. The indigenous life forms did not meet their colonization efforts with open arms. Worse yet, humans have managed to splinter themselves into warring factions.

It is a sandbox oriented MMORPG with an eye on innovation. Rather than forcing players down preset paths they are instead allowed to walk the path which they enjoy the most. With a variety of combat oriented and non-combat activities to pursue, we believe we’ve created a game that can stand the test of time.
Looks interesting but...

MMORPG on Kickstarter? That's going to go well. $25,000 dollars is nothing and I'm not entirely sure what they want that for. They claim it's just for added bits. Video seems quite unprofessional. Bottom line is, you can't make a decent MMO as far as I'm concerned off of a minimum budget, small team etc and still make it good these days.

Leads me to think they don't know what they've set out on with an MMO and that makes me concerned. I also wonder what experience the devs have here. An MMORPG isn't a first time project.

the want the community to fund the game and then pay a monthly subscription ? LOLWUT...

25k wont even buy you the hardware to run an mmo.....
UO was the first MMORPG I played and still the deepest - no levels and using a skill to actually gain experience in it is still something only UO and SWG have dared to do.
Aye - might be worth a small donation.
Have been waiting for this to hit the kickstarter.

From what I've read/watched it looks very similar to early SWG which was amazing. Unless I've missed something there is a lack of decent sandbox MMO's on the go at the moment.

I've put a few pennies in. Hopefully its a winner.
This does look good, is there a limit on how many skill trees you can train in. Its very swg like. Hopefully modernised a lot though as swg is very dated, but still the best mmorpg ever made. Very tempted to back.
It looks good and I want it to be good. I'm just very very dubious of any mmo with a cash shop.
Oh man, if it's at all like SWG used to be I'm going to love it.

Was such a brilliant game, and I get so sad when I see what they did to it. Changed a great game, into some ****** WoW clone.
Well i'm getting pretty hyped about this game. Possibly a return to the great mmos of old? Star Wars Galaxies ftw
It's a Hero Engine game so if you look at the license then they give away a cut of the profits for the server architecture etc.

I've had a quick go and it's alright - nothing really new (but hey what is in the MMO sphere) but it has got a real SWG feel to it which is ok in my book as that is in my top 3 MMOs ever anyway.

Game looks good, for people who loved a real sandbox MMO, if it's like SWG I will be very happy and have pledged some money towards it.

Yep, it is like SWG. I think one of the blokes in KDS did the music for them and I know a few are in alpha.
Looking at this myself, might give the $25 for the beta on the 21st, problem is looks as though it's going slow so I'm not expecting much.

This is on Steam as Early Access and on sale at £24.45. I just bought and thought I'd give it a whirl.
In all honesty I've not had a chance to try this - what with Elite released and Shroud of the Avatar getting regular releases at the moment.
I pledged them £25 during Kickstarter, but haven't really looked at it since.
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