The Repopulation + kickstarter - SciFi Sandbox MMORPG Thread

What are your early impressions JBod?

Well the login servers were down on Christmas day so I didn't get a chance to play until last night. The Newb area is in depth and a little boring but it is there to get you trained up quickly so you can test the game. Took me a while but I got into the main city and then had to log out.

The graphics are nothing to write home about, not poor but certainly not up to modern standards - probably slightly worse than Age of Conan graphics.

Game play, too early to tell. The mechanics seem sensible and the crafting is well thought out. It doesn't seem too buggy but not all the maximum graphics options seem to be enabled.
I will most likely get this tomorrow, whats the best deal? the $34 on their site or the £25.99 one on steam (I know there is one that comes to around d £21 on their site as well)
I was the same as JBod, Just felt way to clunky and unfinished but obviously that is still a Alpha so i am not holding that against what it potentially can be.

I still have high hopes for the future :)
Just seen this and thinking of buying, any recent comments out there or people currently playing?

From the trailers etc it looks like it has a lot of potential plus the price is not too bad atm.
Still very ropey - I'd say they're running out of money rather than nearing a releaseable state.

UI is better than it was, but the game is still really poorly optimised. Crafting is a bit of a mess, it's just too bitty and all over the place. I know they want to emulate SWG's system, but it's overly complicated, and making even basic stuff is just a chore. I get the feeling they've bitten off more than they can chew - lots of interesting systems in place, but a whole load of balancing needed.

Hope they pull it off, but doubtful.
Installed this at the weekend. Very reminiscent of early SWG. The starting area works quite well. Not as much hand holding as WoW which imo is a good thing. Has lots of potential for people with imagination and enjoy the social aspect of aspect MMO's. You won't get far in this game soloing it.

I like the fact there are no levels and skills are gained by doing things. There's a lot more freedom than a lot of the big name games we've seen in recent times. I reckon if you can get a good group together this will be great fun. I hear Q1 2016 for release. Due to go into beta soon apparently.
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