The Rock - What a quality film

naffa said:
Watched it back last night, haven't seen it in ages. Absolutely fantastic. Far better than I remembered it being, and I loved it before as well. Sean Connery was the perfect role for Mason, and his energy worked so well with Nicholas Cage's.

Does anyone else think this is a brilliant film?

i also think its a top film, couldnt recommend it enough to anyone.
deleted said:
Amazing film, one of my fave Cage films along with Con Air.
Yeah great film. Not quite Con Air standard though - that's one of my all time favourite films.

EasyG said:
got some good b movie actors in it,

that old dude from west wing
That's John Spencer, very good actor. Sadly not with us now though.
Zefan said:
Actually, it's pretty damn good simply because it has Connery speaking in it. His voice is ace :D

You mean his impressive range and how he inhabits a character? :p An Irish Policeman in The Untouchables - why he has a Scottish accent but wait surely in Highlander as a Portuguese he might vary it a little bit - nope, on reflection he doesn't even attempt to. :)

I like Sean Connery (I'm not sure I even get a choice in the matter since I'm Scottish), at least when he isn't talking politics, but he isn't a great actor by any stretch, sometimes a character is 'right' for him but Sean Connery plays Sean Connery and that is it. ;)

The Rock is a good film though, entertaining and cheesy with explosions, fights and a car chase, all I need in a film.
Good film, almost as good as passenger 57 as far as mindless fun and bad lines go :)

Oh and Vanessa Marcil before she was kinda famous :D
Yeah its a american big explosions type of film but its awsome, The Rock, Con Air and Face Off have to be my fav Cage films.

Yeah they are complete no brainers but they just have so many actors just playing their roles so well that its just a joy to watch and kill some brain cells :D
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