The RX7 rebuild thread

Just a quick update. The rebuild kit is on it's way from the states as I type this, and I took the parts to RX-Motors to be checked over and ported today. Got a bit of bad news, the rear end plate (big piece of 'bread' in the rotary 'sandwhich') is warped and unuseable, so I have to have a new one at a cost of £250. Also the stationary gear bearings are worn, there goes another £100 :(

More overtime then........
OK, the rebuild kit arrived last week, and I have all this week off work to put it all together. I picked the plates/housings up from RX-Motors today, they have done a really nice job of the porting, they even cleaned up my housings too.

Anyway here's the new plate I had to have, just after I fitted the new water-seals:


First rotor, housing and eccentric shaft fitted:


Centre plate in place:


Second rotor and housing:


And finally the rotary sandwhich is complete with the end plate:


So that's the core engine built, tomorrow I'll start fitting all the ancillaries.
The way most people do it is no boost and less than 3k for around 1k miles, then oil/filter change, and gradual increase of RPM and boost. Some people say 500 miles rather than 1k, but I'll stick to 1k to be on the safe side ;)
<De@thW!sh> said:
with current fuel prices 1000 miles in an Rx7 is a lot of money! kinda glad i dont have mine now!

Just noticed from your sig you have the Tein suspension, had the same on mine, how do you find it....apart from bloody harsh :D

Fuel is going to really hurt :(

Yeah the Tein stuff is really hard, probably a bit too hard for our roads TBH, but I actually kind of like it, it feels more hardcore ;)

The handling is utterly sublime though.
Right, I've finished building the engine now \o/ \o/

So tomorrow I'll be putting it back in, all being well she should be running sometime tomorrow \o/

Sorry for the lack of pics in this update, but it basically just looks like the pics when I first took it out, so I didn't bother ;)
Cheers guys. I'm really pleased with the way it's gone, it all went smoothly without any problems atall, I have been just methodically plodding along over the last couple of days and the engine just kind of fell together :cool:

I hope I haven't tempted fate now........

Dog: no parts left over as yet, I think all the rest of the nuts and bolts I have are accounted for and will be used when it's back in. I hope :o
agw_01 said:
DreXeL, do you have to put the rotors back in at a certain position (sort of like the doing the cam timing on a piston engine)?

Nope, the inlet/exhaust timing is goverened by the shape ports, and the rotors themselves open and close these ports by covering them when they turn. The rotors can only be put in the position they fall with the eccentric shaft in place. Ignition timing is governed by a sensor, the same as a crank sensor on a piston engine.

great advice: This is the first engine I've built.
OK, sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, it didn't go too well. It was raining on and off all day which didn't help, and I had numourous little nigles when reinstalling the engine. In the end I called it a day.

But today I got all the loose ends tied up and fired her up, and she's running!!!

First of all I cranked it over a few times with the EGI fuse pulled so it wouldn't fire (to get the oil pressure up, and it's OK Mickey I lubed it all up whilst building it), then I put the fuse back in and after turning over for a bit more it spluttered to life. I let it ilde for a while, but It was running quite rough. I switched it off and looked for any loose vac-pipes etc, but it was all fine. I then tried to start it again and it wasn't having any of it :(

A quick call to RX-motors and they said the plugs probably fouled up during the initial cranking. So I put some plugs in that I had previously taken out of the car (they are fine, but a lower grade than the ones I normally run) and fired it up, and she is now running fine :D :D

I haven't taken it out yet as I still need to fit the bumper etc., but the main thing is she is running, and I am well happy :D

I'll fit the bumper etc. tomorrow and take her out for a nice long run.

Anyway, here is the vid. I'll apologise now for the ugly, fat, bald bloke :o

9mb WMV

All the smoke is from the oil used during the build and initial lubing.

A mate took loads of pics whilst we were installing it yesterday, I'll post them when he sends them to me.
Cryfreeman said:
Happy for you bud :)

good job

edit: thas a happy chap if even I seen one ;)

BTW I never ask but you did realise it was me you met at Southwest motor show when you where talking to dazza :p

Was it? Christ, I didn't realise :o
Simon said:
Nice work, looks a lot easier than a piston engine to work on.

Did you do any porting to the exhausts?

It is much easier. The ancillaries are the worst part, the actual internals are really quite simple to build.

Yes I had the intake and exhaust ports done.
Simon said:
:cool: So how much power you expecting now :D

Well I'm limited by my injectors at the moment so I can't run that much boost, but I should see around 360ish at 0.8 bar with the porting.

When I get some 1600cc secondary injectors I'll run it at 1.1 bar, which should see me to around 380 :cool:

Standard injectors are 550 primary and 850 secondary.
Dr Who said:
hehe DreXel must be loving this, its not usually this easy to get this much smoke blown up yer ass....

Go on admit it drex, it was a piece of cake wasnt it...

Its easier to build a car than it is to build a pc..... you dont require the same cleanliness...


:o :o ;)
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