The Ship

Mate of mine has been persuading me to buy this for a few days.

Think ill try it this weekend. Looks fun if a lot of you are on voice coms together
Well, what can i say. Its very funny.

I played it for about 4 hours yesterday, and only in the last hour did I start to get good at it.

It seems initially funny but im pretty sure that its going to wear off and fade to unplayed game area of steam (see red orchestra) after a few sessions.

The game play is good, but 1 or 2 idiots can ruin the whole thing.

Some of the maps(ships) are really big and i found myself lost for so long even when trying to use the map toggle.

Finding weapons on some ships is a real pain in the ass, but on others they are everywhere.

Anyway all in all its Pretty good but i doubt ill be playing it after a couple of weeks whe theres no novelty value, and navigating the maps is easy.

Saying all this im still going to persuade the rest of my mates to get it for £12 its hardly worrth worrying about. It will be a hell of a lot more funny when 5 of us are on the same server.
Efour2 said:
Well, what can i say. Its very funny.

I played it for about 4 hours yesterday, and only in the last hour did I start to get good at it.

It seems initially funny but im pretty sure that its going to wear off and fade to unplayed game area of steam (see red orchestra) after a few sessions.

The game play is good, but 1 or 2 idiots can ruin the whole thing.

Some of the maps(ships) are really big and i found myself lost for so long even when trying to use the map toggle.

Finding weapons on some ships is a real pain in the ass, but on others they are everywhere.

Anyway all in all its Pretty good but i doubt ill be playing it after a couple of weeks whe theres no novelty value, and navigating the maps is easy.

Saying all this im still going to persuade the rest of my mates to get it for £12 its hardly worrth worrying about. It will be a hell of a lot more funny when 5 of us are on the same server.

Yes think i saw you the other nite playing.

I was using the highly dubious name jason Vorhees :)
Lol well im getting bored of it already after about 6h played time.

lack of good servers.

the stupid server error "unconnected" for the name

Mindless idiots that kill for no reason.

Im sure it will get good after a patch or 2 and revision of game
Are there any stalking going on? is there enough NPCs to acctually fade into the background or at least look like your not following someone?

Oh and how long does a round last for ? I mean I dont want to spend just 5-10 mins runing around franticly tryingto beat the stop watch, If I was going to play this I would like to plan my kills :)
this trailer made me laugh Ship E3 Trailer.wmv

might buy it as i have the next 2 days off and got nothing else to do

EDIT: Well, i bought it and played it for the last hour or so (good for me, a game usually bores me after 20 mins nowadays)

Took a while to get into, got some nice kills, but it just feels a bit slow for me
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Nieldo said:
Are there any stalking going on? is there enough NPCs to acctually fade into the background or at least look like your not following someone?

Oh and how long does a round last for ? I mean I dont want to spend just 5-10 mins runing around franticly tryingto beat the stop watch, If I was going to play this I would like to plan my kills :)

Well, Theres no actual NPCS out to kill you when you play online its all players.

Sometimes an area will get crowded and it can be hard to tell whos gonna try to kill you but, you can esily spot them by running round a corner and seeing who makes a dash to follow you :) Good players are very subtle when they stalk you, i got killed by a guy in a lift who stood near me alone for about 30 seconds. He could have whacked me at any moment but after 15 seconds i let my guard down and thought nothingof it. turned around and Axe to the back lol.

Theres 2 game modes ive Played, Elimination which is a lastman standing type one. This mode IMHO is crap, it can take a very long time to play again if you die early on. You all get a target and when u kill it you get a new one. Until its just you vs the other guy. You respwan when you die but are effectively out of the game.... and then you wait... and get bored, and people start killing each other for no reason,,,, and you get banned.

THe second game type is faster and more fun, althougth more frustrating as with a short time limit you tend to take chances and get caught more and sent to prison. You all get a target and once the first person is killed a timer begins, by default on most servers its about 2:00. Tis isnt very long to track down your target as some maps are really big. BUT its much better as the game is constantly going rather than excesive waiting.

the first to £25000 wins, you get more money bonus for using exotic weapons that are listed on the chart. Of course it takes a lot of effort killing somone with a knitting needle compared to a pool cue or axe, but the money you get can be verrrrry nice.

I find a lot of the time you just happen to bump into your target and planned kills are hard to set up, other than the "stair ambush" or shdowing them for a while, wait till they go in a room, sprint in shut the door and... WHACk lol

its growing on me, but it i still doubt its real long term gameplay.
Just reviving this thread to say that there is a free weekend going on from the 2nd November to the 5th. 5 hours to go until free ship playing!
Arsey said:
Just reviving this thread to say that there is a free weekend going on from the 2nd November to the 5th. 5 hours to go until free ship playing!

Bah. No decent servers??? All full, empty or slow ping?
I bought it from game a few weeks ago, its very fun, hopefully the free weekend will get a lot more ppl involved though, as it can be a bit quiet.

Definately worth checking out though this weekend!
I bought this, took a while to understand what was going on, not much indication of what you have to do.

Once I sussed what the idea was, I found the whole thing rather uninteresting as all the servers just seemed to be full of idiots killing one another non stop.
Downloaded this because of the free weekend offer. I can't believe they're actually charging for this. I played for a whole 5 minutes before switching it off. Hated it.
Arsey said:
Just reviving this thread to say that there is a free weekend going on from the 2nd November to the 5th. 5 hours to go until free ship playing!

Cheers for the info, downloading now. :)

cracker said:
Downloaded this because of the free weekend offer. I can't believe they're actually charging for this. I played for a whole 5 minutes before switching it off. Hated it.

The difference is, if you'd paid for it you'd be prepared to give it more of you're time and might actually get into it ;) My mate's hooked.
i purchased this game when it came out and i have to say its very good.
it does take a while to get to know ** way around the ships (tend to get lost a lot).
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