The Singing Thread

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18 Oct 2002
Chillin' on the Boat
So there I was last night trying to entertain Piggy, when she wanted to hear me sing. Now I'm OK at singing but Piggy thinks I'm good an so does my mum (but then mums always say that don't they).

So anyway, I was singing along to a couple of songs and recording them. But I added a little twist which made the Piggy burst out laughing.

Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Miss Long

I apologise for the choice of songs but they just popped into my head at the time :p

So come on the GD masses, let me hear your efforts :D
Of what the same two songs or different ones? I've got a recording of me singing what a wonderful world but then again I do have singing lessons.
Just listen to them, you'll get the idea :p
It's meant to be for a laugh, I want to see how nutty some of you lot are :)
Brilliant Desmo, absolutely brilliant :D

ps, no amount of bribery, threats, or pleading will make me sing. Lynnie has heard, and will fully back me up in not inflicting my voice on the masses :D
Desmo said:
Just listen to them, you'll get the idea :p
It's meant to be for a laugh, I want to see how nutty some of you lot are :)

Will have a listen when i get home, have no sound here in work.
Otacon said:
So, are you supposed to be Alvin, or one of the other chipmunks? :p

I sound like a chipmunk without any twists added :o

I might give it a go tonight when I get home .. mwuhahaha :p
Hehe, liked that a lot!

Here's mine:

*shameless repost alert*
Away In A Manger

Please bear in mind that each instrument, and the singing, were done in one take each. For a warmup, I consumed three bottles of beer. :)
If anybody wants a go at this, I use Goldwave's Digital Audio Editor.
You can get a trial download from

Just use the mic on my webcam so nothing special there. Sing along and record, adjust the pitch, save as MP3. Easy peasy :)
:eek: Christ man dont give up your day job please :p that was kinda painful dude :( sorry its harsh but fair i think :D

Oops forgot to say i dont sing AT ALL for anyone lol, im tone deaf i am lol
Spawn said:
Christ man dont give up your day job please :p that was kinda painful dude :( sorry its harsh but fair i think

Oops forgot to say i dont sing AT ALL for anyone lol, im tone deaf i am lol

Yes you must be tone deaf cos he sings bootifully ;) :p

/slaps Spawn :p
Desmo said:
So anyway, I was singing along to a couple of songs and recording them. But I added a little twist which made the Piggy burst out laughing.
Hmmmm....interesting :p

Me sing? Don't be silly, no chance! :D
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Spawn said:
:eek: Christ man dont give up your day job please :p that was kinda painful dude :( sorry its harsh but fair i think :D
Aaawwww dude, come on. I was thinking of entering Chipmunks in their Eyes :p
Piggymon said:
Yes you must be tone deaf cos he sings bootifully ;) :p

/slaps Spawn :p

Course you would say that and we all know why ;)

Desmo said:
Aaawwww dude, come on. I was thinking of entering Chipmunks in their Eyes

Lol mate go for it :D, whatever makes you happy lol
Guys, I'm not worried about if I can sing or not. I'm not trying to make it to the next round of Fame Academy. I'm just having a laugh :p
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