we've been playing Demeo recently, the good thing with that is you can save between the 3 missions. i was thinking of tying to get a game at 9 so you'd be able to join as well if thats of interest and we can get at least 1 other person.
we've also played Ancent Dungeon.
main issue for me is i want to be finished for 10ish as i need to be up early typically unless its a fridray or saturday night.
how are you finding : MH wilds
i hear it has VR support?
StarTrek Bridge Crew was/is still a thing when last i checked on it before xmas. theres a facebook page and some redit pages people use for organsing games. if you want to play it, its best to use the PC version for multiplay/
its a bit buggy and the save doesnt work correctly for multiplyer, so you either need to sit down for a weekend day to go through it all in one hit. i think theres an option to select individual missions but havent really played with it much.
keep looking at it for a group but hasnt worked out so far.
not sure if they abandonded it or contracted ended preventing further updates / development.
i'd buy an updated brdige crew/bridge crew 2/o some thing in its likeness, in a heat beat though. the 2d versions are good but its not vr.
Monday - Walkabout Mini Golf
wednesday - Sim racing
to organsie :
Amoung us- 10 players
Mannequin - 5 players
Dungeon of eternity - 4 player
Ancent Dungeon - 3 player
star trek brdige crew? - 4 play
iron rebellion - 4x4 player
RecRoom ?
escape room? for the thinkers
Greenhell - 4 player
demeo battles - 4 player
Into Black - PvPvE mode
something else / anything else?
oranising :
Into Black - Trig Shi Rav
Demeo - Trig Shi Rav
Demeo 9pm-10pm - Buddy (looking for 1-2 people/spots to fill if any ones interested)- over 3 nights (1hr / 1 map at a time)