The Social Gathering / Gaming Thread [A place to organize meet-ups]

good game again :)


pics of some BSODS
Are you using the same hard drive that was in your other computer? Did you do a check disk on it?

What power supply are you using?

Does it only crash when playing games? Has it crashed outside of games?

What bios version are you using?

Is it saving crash dumps? Can you send me the latest one? They are usually located in the C:\windows\minidump folder.

It's definitely worth trying what Mr.Cookie said about switching to Gen 4. If that makes no difference, check what your memory is set at, have you tried it at a lower speed?
Thanks guys

I'm in talks with overclockers now
they want me to do a few things

so i will let you know if that changes anything :)

any evening, except Sunday for me
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