The Social Gathering / Gaming Thread [A place to organize meet-ups]

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
ow wow, Shi!! you only neeed to ask if you wanted to spend some 1-2-1 time with me... i have the perfect dungeon for "US" to play in ;) and release that pent up energy.
ooow Mr Melmac... i'll be ready for round to after..

but yer more seriously, its not one factor but a combination of around 5 differant factors preventing me from getting on so far end of last year.
3 factors removed. so i can start joining in.

its a bit intimidating joining in on a new group, especially when they've played togeather for a long time.

i need to catch up on WMG (have latest course to play through) + demeo and the Dungeon one at some point, but also need schedue an opticians, and spluge on magnetic lenses.


don't sweat it, your welcome to join when ever you feel ready

i actually suffer from some mental health (and i haven't told my friends like @melmac or @Ravenger etc etc) its more to it, but that's all I'm saying on a public forum, so I know it is hard to join a room full of people

if you haven't already, just add me to friends on the quest (assuming that's what you have)
and feel free to txt me back and forth, or when you feel comfortable, call me anytime. i am more than happy to do this before you join us on Monday (or what every day suits you)
just give me a shout

and i apologise for my earlier post which I retracted soon as read why.
20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
The whole social thing isnt something i normally do online, and i get anxious about new people and situations so feeling more relaxed here, its one of my work in progress objectives to better/control.
its something i don't do at all online or otherwise. I am always very anxious

i feel quite at home with the guys i meet up on Monday nights in VR, its second nature to me now, but if the people changed to "new" people one night, id be very apprehensive about joining
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