**The (spam free) OcUK Kent bash 12th March 2005 - Get the details here**

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tiggy said:
You were all probably relieved that I couldnt make it to maidstone on the 11th, but it seems now that I can
Wohoo - the more the merrier (literally in some people's case). :D

SCM said:
Even if Lynne isn't sober I will be as I don't drink so blackmail video evidence or pictures shall be obtained for posting on the forums
I don't drink either (well, rarely), and I've found a supplier for my new digicam. Don't think I'll bring the videocam as well though. :)

Matblack said:
Hope the ones at the back aren't getting squashed under the trophy. :D

LynnieLeigh said:
Is there anybody who hasn't bowled more than 10 times? is this in a life time?
Moi - well, I'm close to 10, but last time was a few years ago. Hope it's a wooden floor as due to my eyesight I tend to use the floor markings as a guide rather than the pins. Also means I have a most odd 'walk up' bowling action. :)
Berserker said:
Moi - well, I'm close to 10, but last time was a few years ago. Hope it's a wooden floor as due to my eyesight I tend to use the floor markings as a guide rather than the pins. Also means I have a most odd 'walk up' bowling action. :)

If anyone has a funnier walk up action than me I'll be surprised. Should stand me a vote or two for funniest bowler anyway :D
In the great video game tradition, I suggest the weekend contains sub games. The first one should be

The Great Underboss Tea Off

As the Underbosses are renound for their tea making skills, I think there should be judging of technique and tasting session provided by all underbosses during the weekend.

This will give us mere 'users' a chance to experience the pleasure the Dons get as they are 'serviced' by their minions.

Best cup of tea, as voted for by the pannel gets a KitKat Caramac.

(Underbosses may provide their own tea/ pot if they feel this will influence the vote)

The Teams

Old Pros Lane (experienced bowlers)


Drunks Lane (3 drink minimum pre match)
Mr Otacon


Amateurs Lane (Bowled less than x10 ever!)
Tiggy (by special request)


Middle Lane (the rest)

Thats how it currently stands, I need an idea of where the following people want to be. Its first come first served so get in early or you WILL be allocated a position (within the next few hours)!

Altered corpse

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If I have my projector by the Saturday we will have Gran Tourismo 4 on the wall 7 foot wide on the Saturday evening. I'm trying to get CommanderSpike to come down for the weekend and bring the pj with him :D

Also I have two wireless laptops and a wireless network available for uploading pics and reports to OcUK :)

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Otacon said:
I take it this means we're back to your gaff on the sat?

H says yes you may come to our abode on the Saturday evening after Old Orleans for civilised conversation, Playstationing and tea making.

We do try to keep our house non smoking so I am afraid smokers will have to go in the garden. Those with cat allergies may also wish to bring an NBC suit and gas mask!

Desmo you tried taking piritin when you are around cats as one of our mutual friends has cat allergies and she tried taking one on advice of my wife and she found it worked well. Thats if it an allergy problem you have with cat's that is.

As to MB's place don't drink, smoke and love cats.

Desmo, you won't actually see a cat and there are no carpets in our front room so you are unlikely to feel the effects unless you are very very athsmatic or allergic. However if you want to sit outside and fondle Piggy then thats OK ;) just try and avoid the spy cameras and blackmail photos :eek:

Cats used to get to me really badly but it seems to have died off over recent years with no explanation as I've taken nothing to help it. All I get now is a slightly tight chest at worse :)

Good job really cos Piggy has got cats too, lol
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