**The (spam free) OcUK Kent bash 12th March 2005 - Get the details here**

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I'd just like to publicly thank TheBeansprout for his help with the webcam. He's voluntarily spent several hours of his own time trying to get a video feed to work (unsuccessfully, but that doesn't make the effort any less appreciated), and also provided a backup server in case our decidedly flaky main server pops it's clogs mid-session.

Thumbs up from me.
Berserker said:
I'd just like to publicly thank TheBeansprout for his help with the webcam. He's voluntarily spent several hours of his own time trying to get a video feed to work (unsuccessfully, but that doesn't make the effort any less appreciated), and also provided a backup server in case our decidedly flaky main server pops it's clogs mid-session.

Thumbs up from me.
Why thankyou Mr. Berserker sir :)

I had a great plan you see....I got a broadcaster going, sending a stream to the server, then I was figuring out Darwin Streaming Server... I even bought a KKC with the sole intent of teasing you all.....the idea was to put it on the webcam when I got it working, and tease people by slowly removing a bar at a time and consuming it, but alas my plan was not to work....but it's not all bad, I did get to eat said KKC almost instantaneously and then begin to throw it away...only to notice I'd left two whole strips of delicious caramel-coated crunchy goodness :eek:

So....I've hooked up a second server I've got incase our wonderful server goes bellyup.

Have a good time everyone :)

Wakey wakey its the day of the OcUK Kent Meet \o/

All you non Southerners get on you driving gloves and put the tartan blanket on the back shelf of the car, oil the nodding dog and get ready for an evening of fun and frolicks :)

Everyone else stay put and we will keep you updated with the bizarre shinanigans of the weekend ;)

Looking forward to seeing you all later

I'm awake !! :D

I'm going to have a shower , Go and get my hair done , Pack the rest of my stuff and then I'm on my way !

Will see you lot tonight in the pub but no late night clubbing for me as you would find me slumped in a corner somewhere asleep by about 12am. As 5am starts tend to tire me out but Saturday I will be going the full distance of pubbing, bowling, eating and partying at MB's.

If you didnt guess im working all this weekend, including Sunday! Probably not even much work and il sit here watching this thread to see whats going on but oh well :( Have fun everyone.
Desmo said:
Bah!!!! Never mind Frank, just remember to keep an eye on the webcam :D

I could probably guarentee now that I wont have any work to do but thats sods law i suppose! Next one i shall definatly be in attendance, missing out here :(
This thread is going to annoy me all day now, as I want to be there today, not tomorrow :D Make sure you all have fun tonight, and try to remember what goes on, I'll be asking you all about it tomorrow :)
wozzizname said:
Hope to see you all tomorrow, don't get too wasted tonight now, will you ?


Where have you been? We thought you had disappeared on us :(

Glad to hear your still up for it :)

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