The substance

Well that's two and a half hours I'll never get back. Great acting, but could have been so much better. The message the director wanted to get across wasn't lost on me, but as someone else said, the last 30mins was just daft.

My understanding was that the entire thing was all in the mind and nothing physical was happening at

when the older self became super old for the first time, she couldn't walk, yet after the 3 month spell and becoming even older she somehow managed to run to the warehouse for the termination package?

as well as...

the whole silly monster act was just her view of herself, she thought the audience wanted to kill her, but I think that too was in her mind

Unless it was a sci-fi horror of course, then reality goes out the window
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The lift scene at the end “borrows” heavily from The Fly, and it’s that sort of body shock that makes me boak, the bit with the nail in particular.

Also leans heavily on 2001 of all films with the body switching and then obviously the music choice at the very end. The soundtrack in general I thought was fantastic.

I thought it was a fantastic film overall, both leads are great, it looks amazing particularly the early scenes with Sue (Diet Coke scene lol), giving this idea of youthful beauty perfection.
It also leaned HEAVILY into ASMR, making scenes even more unnerving.

Ending was a bit lol, but I didn't really mind, I feel the ridiculousness was kinda the point.
Actually enjoyed most of it. As someone else said could have been doing without the last 20 mins.

The woman that played sue is pretty stunning. It took me a while to realise it but she is the actress that played Mama in Death Stranding. :eek:
This is now available on MUBI and they offer a 7 day trial if you've never subbed before. If you have an LG TV sign up via the app as you'll seemingly get a two month trial instead.
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Did the cleaner we saw at the start forget to come for the two weeks when the initial changes happened?

Are we meant to believe Sue has the workmanship skills to seamlessly hide a door like that?

Boobs are great, aren’t they?


It was good to see Gollum make an appearance at about 1 hour 38 minutes.

Edit 2 - the last 20 minutes is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.

The producer and some of the eating scenes were more repulsive than anything else on the screen.
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I turned it off after about 30 minutes or whatever..

It's one of those films for people who desperately need to pay taxes or something
Finally got round to watching this. Enjoyable on the whole. If not predictable. The ending was a bit weird and there are potholes and inconsistencies all over the place.

I guess if you think of it as a satire on Hollywood it's accurate. Demi Moore was good but it wasn't an oscar winning performance or anything. Maybe it's being rated so highly due to the irony of the subject matter and starring demi Moore who has herself clearly taken some substances to still look amazing in her 60s!

I found some of the injecting scenes a bit graphic, but that's just me.

7/10 - doesn't really have any reachable factor and probably a film that would be better sub 2 hours tbh.

The injection scenes later on reminded me of bursting my BCG jab in my teens.

Surprised that Moore is getting all the nominations, Qualley isn’t getting a sniff it seems though I guess they can’t have two leads nominated and Moore ticks the “brave” box due to her age.
The ending was a bit weird and there are potholes and inconsistencies all over the place.

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