The Syla5 Files: Home gym addition

13 Feb 2012
Time to get back on the wagon, kick some slacking habits in the butt and get on with progressing.

Previously a commercial gym rat I have now setup at home and although equipment is basic, it's enough to keep me going.

The long and short of it, I started in 2010/11, lifted consistently until the start of 2014, decided to dedicate the start of the year to mobility and flexibility improvements and then jaffed my knee around April time, and have slacked hard for almost a year.

Here is my first log:

My previous PB's are:
Squat: 165
Bench: 110
Deadlift: 170 (b)

All of these were hit towards the end of 2013, although the squat and deadlift I had done before.

My current status is 12st 4 1/2lb and haven't pushed myself to any kind of limits, to know what my PB's are, needless to say they are nothing to write home about. The doctors have said my they can see nothing physically wrong with the structure of my knee, and where I am describing my pain/discomfort is not near the joint and they are putting it done to muscle imbalances/weaknesses and sugguested I get back to some regular training to see if it helps.

Time to do what the doctor ordered. I am keeping a close eye on my knee however and will be looking for further advice if progress isn't forthcoming.
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So a new gym and why not a new plan. Now the gym is at home it means I have much more freedom to get in and get active, so I have planed a 4 day per week program with active rest days consisting on some warm up exercises to keep things moving.

The plan is as follows:

Daily warm up routine (courtesy of Chris Duffin)
Goblet Squats, light just to get moving
90° hip opener
Split Squats
Hip Aeroplanes

Day 1
Squat 5x5
RDL 5x5
Walking lunges 3x10
Chin Ups 3xAMAP
Leg Raises 2-3x15
Suitcase Deadlifts 2-3x10

Day 2
Bench Press 5x5
CGBP 5x5
Inclined DB Bench 3x10
Dips 3x10
Good Mornings 3x10
Leg raises 2-3x15
Single arm push ups 2-3x15

Day 3
Deadlifts 5x5
Bent Over Rows 5x5
Pull Ups 3xAMAP
DB Split Squats 3x10
Leg raises 2-3x15
Single Arm DB Bench 2-3x15

Day 4
OHP 5x5
Bench - light 3x10
Seated DB shoulder press 3x10
Front raise 3x10
Squat - variant/light 3x10
DB Row 3x10
Leg raises 2-3x15
Suitcase deadlift 2-3x10

On rest days I plan on doing the warm up plan, some assisted GHR's, and more leg raises.
Day 1

Warm up
2 sets of each.

Bar x 5/5/5/5/5/5
Walking lunges
10x10/10/10 (weight per hand,reps per leg)
Chin ups
BW x 10/10/7
Leg raises
Suitcase Deadlift (reps per side)
Bar x 10/10

The weights are light with the aim to progress them while keeping my knee comfortable. 2 hours post workout and my knee is tender but not around the joint.
Home gym crew checking in. Good luck dude! :) I'm sure you'll get back to those numbers in no time! I'm 2 weeks in on Stronglifts and having a gym down the end of your garden really helps for the whole slacking angle. Not sure how it will be come winter though...
Gonna give my knee a couple of weeks to work back in to things, keeping it all light and working on form and freeing up all my tight bits. Now 3.5 hours post workout and my knee isn't happy, but what can you do if the docs and scan show everything is fine?!?
I've had similar problems with my knee. All scans and checks are fine and also been told it could be a muscle imbalance.

The bad news is almost 10 years on and a 7 hour hike in the alps still leaves me crippled for days afterwards because of that knee.

I have had many exercise routines and physio sessions to try and balance out the muscles over the years which didn't help.
I've had similar problems with my knee. All scans and checks are fine and also been told it could be a muscle imbalance.

The bad news is almost 10 years on and a 7 hour hike in the alps still leaves me crippled for days afterwards because of that knee.

I have had many exercise routines and physio sessions to try and balance out the muscles over the years which didn't help.

Thats not good!

I have a highly recommended physio I want to go and see, but I am going to save that trip until I am consistently training again if my knee doesnt improve from now. Today, so far, no knee discomfort, so thats a posative sign at least.
Boom 2 days in a row :)

Warm up routine
2 sets of each

Bar x 20
Bar WG x 20
40 x 10


Incline DB Bench (Olympic handles are surprisingly cumbersome)


Good Mornings
Bar x 10/8/11
These looked ugly, looks like I am not bracing well enough and my posterior core (correct term?) just gives up.

Single arm DB press / leg raises
Active rest day

Warm up routine and some foam rolling.

Knee is not happy today, but if the docs say it's not structural and could be down to muscle weakness I need to push on.
Injuries suck.. :( I always thought my knees would be the first thing to give me grief as they've literally creaked as standard for as long as I can remember. However when my squats get heavy it seems to affect the front of my hips?! Other than that my shoulders are my main pain point being a hunched over the desk IT guy.

I've always found using a heat pad/gel pack thing helps minimise pains. It also helps having a sister who is a physio :)
The most frustrating thing is so far no one can say "this is your problem" and "this is what you can do to help it". There just seems to be no answer to the pain and its grrrrr annoying.

This morning all is ok, a little discomfort but nothing more than normal. Lets see how it feels after deadlifts tonight.
The most frustrating thing is so far no one can say "this is your problem" and "this is what you can do to help it". There just seems to be no answer to the pain and its grrrrr annoying.

This morning all is ok, a little discomfort but nothing more than normal. Lets see how it feels after deadlifts tonight.

That's what frustrates me the most too.

Everyone I've ever seen about it says they can't find anything physically wrong with any of the tissue and that really annoys me.
Yeap. Onwards we go. Knee is annoying, pain today is more specifically at the inner head of the tibia today. Odd as consistently it has been my ITB area on the outer part of my knee that has been where the discomfort sits, maybe worked muscles are pulling the area differently.

Day 3 of the new routine.
Warm ups - 2 sets of each
Bar x 10/10
60x5/7/6/5/6 mostly form work, this weight was light and easy hence not 5 reps every set


Pull ups
8/5+5negs/4+4negs lol weak!

Face pulls
Red band x 10/10/10


Single arm push ups (reps per arm)

Leg raises
It because you have no quads...

Quit all this powerlifting nonsense and "knees shalt not travel past toes" jibber jabber and squat properly. ;) :D

Only the quad point is serious...
Here's hoping your right. You might not be far off the point my left quad is visibly smaller then my right and it's my left knee if have issues with.

Talking of proper lifting I will at some point be reinvesting in some oly shoes, and bumper plates to facilitate some of this fairy lifting.
Have you considered an iPod Touch?

Already got an iphone, and as its a home gym no muppet will walk past and knock it over, so no fear of scratching! Plus i am a midget so dont need it a million miles away to film me, also POTATO..

(not sure how many people will get the joke but hey ho :p;):D)
Day 4
Warm ups 2 sets of each

Bar x10/10

Bench - light

Seated DB press

Front raise SS Side Raise

Front squat
Bar x 10/10/10

DB row

Leg raises

Suitcase deadlifts (reps per side)
Bar x 10/10
Active rest over the weekend didnt happen due to multiple BBQ's, heavy drinking and a family fun day.

Back on it yesterday


Warm Up Routine
2 sets of each

Bar x 8/11/10/11


Walking DB Lunges

Chin Ups
10/10/- running late for something last set skipped

Suit Case Deadlift
Bar x 10/10

Laying Leg Raises

Knee this morning is feeling ok, minor pressure pain at the top of the knee when going up/down stairs but while resting theres no discomfort, which is always good.
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