The Syla5 Files: Home gym addition

Glutes are fine, i honestly think its tied in to quad/hammy/lower leg tightness in my left leg that i have really ignored. I need to get hands laid on me for an expert opinion, and i should stop thinking that its going to resolve its self!

you'll know where I'll tell you to go.... :D

20th November 2018 I had an operation after seeing a hernia specialist that advised my problem from here was not a hernia that he could tell but was clearly something going on.

Surgeon said I had a 2-3 cm long tear in my abdominal aponeurosis my lower right side which was closed up.

Got back in to the gym last night 7 weeks post operation. Advised recovery time was no exercise at all for the first couple of weeks, light exercise after 4-6 weeks, full healing to take up to 3 months.

Squatted the bar for 4 warm up sets and then moved on to 40kg for a few sets. Taking things super easy. Everything felt good, moved on to do some BOR's with just the bar and something didn't feel right during my third set. Stopped instantly. Things felt reminiscent to how they did pre-op...not as acute of a pain sensation but as soon as I felt something I stopped.

Now concerned that the operation I had may well have fixed something, but didn't actually fix the problem source. Maybe as the fix that happened was near the surface that my problem persists from deeper inside....I get the feeling I may have another operation in my near future.

Here's hoping that I was just a little eager and another 4-6 weeks of healing time will be the answer.

Early 2019 outlook not as positive as it was, although my squat form looked tidy, and in flat shoes not my lifting shoes!
I did train again in 2016 and 2017 but I didn't log it here, might do a log refresh with that stuff as things were moving nicely.
Currently back to consistent training, in to week 6 of training now and things are going well. Still taking things easy and feeling out my post op lower abdominal area to make sure its fixed, I don't re-tweak anything.

Nothing to exciting to write home about but last week on leg day I decided my 3x8 @ 60kg working sets just felt super light, so after my working sets I stuck 100kg on the bar and did a test couple of reps then a comfortable 5 reps set. Pretty pleased with that but went back to the plan for this week, no need to over do things.
First time testing a weight over 100kg on deadlifts post operation in November.


For reference my all time best is 170kg way back in 2012/2013, my rep PB is something like 157.5x3, and the last time I lifted over 100kg was almost 2 years ago where I worked up to 140kg single then failed a 145.

Still need to explore how things feel with a weight belt on but the good news is this lift triggered no lower abdominal twinges, followed it up with a couple of working sets of 95x6, the second set belted up and felt very comfortable.

I do have residual sensation of the area that used to flare up, but I am hoping that this is just scare tissue and not signs that something is still wrong. Only time will tell.
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Seeing as I tested deadlift I may as well test the others.

Bench last night, having not actually Barbell benched properly since I came back to training as i have focused on DB bench work this was an interesting one.
I didn't know where I would end for a double so worked my way up through 80x2, then 90x1, tried again for the double but 90x1 then dialled back and did 85x2. A little slow

Pleased with this as an indicator, maybe I best do squats tonight.
Squats got tested, happy with what happened.

Worked up with the aim of seeing my 2 rep testing max, did 100x2, 120x2, 130x2, then went for 140 but only managed a single.


Again with all my lifting, this is the first short run of lifting in almost 2 years. Yes I need to work on form, but its always nice to have some numbers to mould the training around.
Nice squatting! I reckon 140kg would probably be easy if you went for singles at 125-135-140 next time.

130*2 looked pretty easy. :cool:
The side view is flattering, from the rear view the amount of knee collapse is to much to have called it easy. Early days yet.
Last of the bigger lifts to check and it was strict OHP (no leg drive), again the focus on working up to a double and hit 60x2. Felt like I had a bit more in there, stuck 65 on the bar and pushed out a single but it wouldn't go up for a second rep.

So with a roughly 2 year gap from lifting and training consistently back again for only 7 weeks here are my training 2 rep tests:

Squat: 130x2, 140x1
Bench: 85x2, 90x1
Deadlift: 140x2
OHP: 60x2, 65x1
Squats got tested, happy with what happened.

Worked up with the aim of seeing my 2 rep testing max, did 100x2, 120x2, 130x2, then went for 140 but only managed a single.


Again with all my lifting, this is the first short run of lifting in almost 2 years. Yes I need to work on form, but its always nice to have some numbers to mould the training around.
Excellent form
Cheers, ive not actually updated in a while had a big lay off after this and only got back to training consistently this year
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