The Syla5 Files

Back is starting to feel a lot more normal now, a little tender and tight in spots, but the constant intense dom's feeling has gone and underload there was no pulling or sharp pains.

Soft tissue ball work and rolling, glutes, legs, and lower back 5 mins.

bar x10 70x10 90x5 110x5 70x10 all felt good, encouraged as much ppt as possible.

Bar x10 40x11 60x8 80x5 100x3 bar x10 again ppt as much as possible.

bw x10 20x8 35x5 50x2PB@72kg BW :) very pleased here, would have gone for more but belt only rated to 30kg lol

Standing and Seated DB shoulder press
20x10(stand) 20x5/5 20x10(seat) trying to work up to all 3 sets fully standing.

Oblique twists
Bar x20 10x20

Very pleased with today :). BW at 72kg (159lb)
Start of my official deload week from cycle 1 of my strength routine today, after last weeks dial back this week is going to be a focus on form and working on some exercises to help my core, while still doing most of my normal routine.

Start off with some hip flossing and ankle stretching before squatting, well this worked wonders especially the ankle mobility!

Squats: Focus on the movement without over emphasising the APT as I previously used to.
Bar x 10/10
100x3 (testing the waters)

Inclined DB Bench
32x6 - opps deload week!


RDL's - used straps here to see how they feel, really let you focus on the lift rather then holding the bar, i can see how these will really help at higher weights
Bar x10

DB Row

Oblique Twists
Bar x 20 10x20

More rolling and soft tissue work tonight and some stricter super ppt reverse crunches. Back still has some tight spots, hoping to have these gone by the end of the week so I can reboot my strength routine, being a little more cautious.
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Its not intentional, and is quite likely a bi-product of the fact i previously used to be in that position before due to my APT.
Ankle mob and hip flossing in prep for some squatting. Ankles definatly need a lot of work.

Bench Press
Bar x20 wgx15
ds 50x15

DB Row 30x8/8/8

OHP SS with front BB raise
ohp 30x8/8/8
Front raise 10x8/8/8

Goblet Squat with pulse

front squat
bar x8

Oblique Twist

some squat vids of my goblet and front squats
40kg Front
60kg Front, both sets
Front squats are being led from the knees it would seem, rather than the glutes.

Also, watch your bum tuck right at the bottom - a fun way of doing this is to REALLY force your knees apart and get the ankles involved.

Top, however, looks great!

Cheers, noted :) i think a massive sticking point for me at the moment is my ankles, so hopefully as these loosen up as well the form should improve.

I have no plans to up the weight any time soon as i am using these to help improve core strength and flexibility.
You can go much deeper on the goblet squats - need to sit between your legs more. Try to stay more upright, this will kick your cores ass more. Your movement is very back squat esque :)

Here's what mine looked like -

I will look in to this as well, again i think this is a knock on effect of my poor ankle mob! also when i go lower currently i round my lower back at the bottom, so i went to the limit of this today.

The sets with your arms crossed look a lot more comfortable :)
they were haha, tight wrist on the 40kg set!
Weight still dropping, even on the last week and a half of deload. Down to 11st 3.75lb (157.75lb) seeing as my goal is to add muscle its time to backload 5 nights a week! dem gainz

Prepped my next workout cycle, being a little more cautious with the weights for the next 4 weeks with focus on form and not chewing my back up again, which seems to be getting back to normal.
I have already been increasing the food i eat on my ULC days i am up to a minimum of 2100 on those days anyway (up from 1900). For density bulking adding in additional backloads is as the protocol advises. As my goals are currently get stronger and not focus on fat loss then that is what i am going to do. If i start getting fat again then i will drop a back load and add in more cals on my ULC days.

New plan is as follows:
Sunday BL
Monday BL
Tuesday BL
Wednesday ULC
Thursday BL
Friday BL
Saturday ULC

Last week i did 4 backloads and still dropped weight.

Minimum macros for ULC days:

Minimum macros for BL days:

Prior to CBL i was on 2200 cals per day and putting on weight/fat.
Supposed last day of deload today and things are feeling good again, hopefully all will be well for my re-boot of my strength cycle next week.

Ankle stretching and hip flossing with green band.

Today was spent doing more rehabing for the lower back, so rather then conventional deadlifts i went with SLDL's, keeping it light with some good volume and not pushing my back past a gentle stretch, which for me was the point when the weights touched the floor so perfect :)

Bar x10/10

bw x 10

Standing Cable Row

Standing DB press (better for hitting the core :), and encouraging strong PPT)

Face pulls

Oblique Twists

A little foam rolling and hamstring stretching.

Based on the above (where i was looking in to SLDL as a lower back rehab exercise) flexion of the spine is fine.

I am not trying to do a straight backed SLDL

following this format it didnt proscribe a flat back. The slight bend to the knee is a limit of flexibility, but i made sure i didnt feel anything other then a light stretch when doing the exercise.

Also my rounded back is more pronounced due to over developed spinea errector (pointed out by the physio and not a cause of an issue what so ever)
As i am using them as a rehab exercise and not as a strict lift there are quite a few points in the first link that i posted for why doing them the way i did is benefical over doing it with a strict tight flat back.

I still do strict squat, RDL, Deadlift, goblet squats, front squats for flat back movement control, i am not suddenly going to lift everything with a rounded back :)
its so hard to find non-conflicting sound information out there as there are so many different views on everything.

I guess this may be something i just have to try and see if it helps. I would hopefully know soon enough if it doesnt feel right on my lower back, during the movement however there was no abnormal stress that i felt.
Same with everything sadly, conflicting information galore. Just go with the sources you trust at the end of the day.

Thats the thing, i trust both the knowledge and advice here, the advice i have received from the physio, other certain online sources like ExRx, MWod, and some specific individuals (tony Gentilcore K Star amongst them)

Yet even in that pool we get contradiction, nothing wrong with it, its just hard to do whats right when that thing can be concieved as both lol.
Looks like you're trying to strengthen yourself in a weakened position so that when you are in that weak position you are stronger i.e. when things aren't optimal. Best to try to keep yourself from getting spinal flexion than to strengthen a bad position.

I am not looking to strengthen myself in a weakened position, I am looking to strength a weak muscle through more specific exercises. If i can strengthen the weaker muscles they will work better when i need them to be strong i.e. if i can increase the strength of my lower back muscles, my ability to brace the lower back and keep a flat back will improve.
Thanks ice, and everyone else who has commented advice, always much appreciated.

To detail the issues, I over did it, the pain that remains appears to be localised to 2" off centre from my spine and 2" above my waist on the right hand side of my back.
After visiting the physio no damage was located, but a few points were noted. I have anterior pelvic tilt, the left side of my lower back is quite a bit more developed then my right (this is where the pain is, and was pointed out before I advised where the pain was), possibly caused by years bad seating habits.
I have a very stiff pelvis, and I have very poor flexibility in my ankles. My erectors are also quite developed as well in comparison to the rest of my lower back and are very pronounced when I bend over, this is not an issue and not a source of pain.

On a posative note, my hamstring flexibility is not as bad as I thought it was, so my stretching of them has been working :)

Since the physio visit (21st jan) I have been consistently been doing soft tissue work every night (time in front of the tv has never been so productive), specific focus has been on my lower back, glutes, and hammies. I have been doing regular (at least every other day) hip flossing with my green band, and ankle stretches with the same band.
I have added in some oblique twists at the gym at the end of every session keeping my core locked, I have also been doing the aggressive ppt reverse crunch with leg extension every night, and occasionally thrown in a few planks as well.
I have been focusing on avoiding apt in all my lift movements and been working on keeping the core tight as well, especially while weights are low.

So i would like to think that i have been doing the correct thing already?

I didn't think SLDL's were the best and only solution. It was more a case of they seem to be another tool I can use in my rehab tool box. However if they are just more a cause for concern and I am at risk of doing further injury then I will ditch them.
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