Great! Hopefully see some new PB's out of you soon
Nothing for at least 2 months now, need to reprogram my squat and DL movements
Great! Hopefully see some new PB's out of you soon
Basically I need to find a rubber shirt or wrap bands around the bench in the mean time
Front squats are being led from the knees it would seem, rather than the glutes.
Also, watch your bum tuck right at the bottom - a fun way of doing this is to REALLY force your knees apart and get the ankles involved.
Top, however, looks great!
Im sure you can go heavier than that on OHP
You can go much deeper on the goblet squats - need to sit between your legs more. Try to stay more upright, this will kick your cores ass more. Your movement is very back squat esque
Here's what mine looked like -
they were haha, tight wrist on the 40kg set!The sets with your arms crossed look a lot more comfortable
Same with everything sadly, conflicting information galore. Just go with the sources you trust at the end of the day.
Looks like you're trying to strengthen yourself in a weakened position so that when you are in that weak position you are stronger i.e. when things aren't optimal. Best to try to keep yourself from getting spinal flexion than to strengthen a bad position.