Starting the new territory week for cycle 2
This week i started with my A workout, so hit squats.
finished squats last week at 115kg, matching what i finished cycle 1 on, so today i decided to really push on.
Squats 120x5 (belt) 120x5(belt) 120(decided to unbelt)x3 (10 second breather rest the bar) 2, omg last rep was a grind with serious knee collapse!!! i have videos but my youtube is playing up so i shall get them loaded when i can. Overall i am pleased that i pushed myself, but i can do better.
set 1:
set 2:
set 3:
Pull-ups 10kg +1neg at the end of each set
Dips 32.5kg
OHP 52.5kg
calf raises 75x5 just not getting any kind of pump, dropped to 50kg for 2 sets of 10
strict straight back Ab crunches on a ball 20 reps for 2 sets
abductor (opening legs version) 40x10 45x10
I may need some advise on this but i think my knee collasping issue is due to weakness in my glutes, which is why i threw in the abductor work at the end.
Thinking next cycle to throw in some glute bridge/pull throughs to help work on this.
One thing i really noticed today was that i only got about 5 1/2 hours sleep due to one pretty poorly daughter

and i really felt that in the gym. I also think that i am feeling the effect of squatting or deadlifting twice a week!