Bent Over Rows on lower body day? Is your torso ratio that bad?!
The BoR's fill a spot that will be taken by a more appropriate exercise once I find one, but I also didn't want to drop BoR's so they had a spot this week, so they were done today.
Bent Over Rows on lower body day? Is your torso ratio that bad?!
I had the same issue last week with the belt, so I've decided to scrap it and go belt less, see how things improve.
How were the singles?
Why is this new routine a secret?
because if you tell anyone, you lose your gainz bro
I thought it was one of yours and you were giving everyone the secret to gains except me
Thought you couldn't do 4 days a week and that's why you didnt do a proper shoulder workout?
Need to make sure you get that spine neutral
Have you tried changing the belt placement? Or is it just the belt?