The Syla5 Files

oh lawd after saturday this morning was tough haha.

Str cycle 4 week 1 6's

Squat - grip adjustment, squatting with thumber under the bar now
barx10 with some good evenings (Ice TM'ed) thrown in
100x3/2 - things were wobbly and tight, and the new grip was tough especially without a mirror.
last set

Pull ups

Bar x5

Inclined DB bench

Standing cable rows

Interesting session, the squats felt very hard to control, but easy to drive through the lift, stablising muscles more fatigued then my main ones. Also the new grip made things a little tougher, but if i want to powerlift one day i have to make sure i am doing everything to the regulations.
The thumb around the bar rule is a bit of a wishy washy one. It depends on the judges present more than anything else really, although if you don't look in control of the weight then most will get you to change your grip.

Squats look pretty good there. Keep your head up more, try and make the profile of your face more vertical :p. Knees look good also. It may be just the angle but do you find yourself favouring your right leg at all because you look a little asymmetrical on a few of the reps?
We noticed he kinda wobbles on some reps more so on one side than the other....Presumed it was fatigue and Saturday kicking in :p
Cheers Dom, yeah as delvis says I noticed this during my set. I put it down to fatigue from Saturday, more so on the stabilisers then the main lift muscles. It used to be regular, but I worked hard to become symmetrical, guess it just snuck up on me this morning :). Oh and no mirror squatting sucks lol
Bench Day

Bar x many
80x6 (3p)
80x6 (2p)
trying to pause as many as possible, starting weight this cycle was going to be 82.5 but all reps were going to be regular bench. Decided to work in as many pauses as possible while not dropping the weight to much.

The 40's felt great, the 60's felt mediocore at best and by half way through the 2nd set and the whole of the 3rd i couldnt feel anything in my back as my hamstrings were on fire!
This might be a case of lighter is better while i bring my hammies up to speed so that they can cope and i can feel whats going on with my back.

Seated db shoulder press

Front squat
Bar x5


odd weight because i didnt notice a silly additional weight on the stack..

overall I am not pleased with my hamstrings, I now have a strong feeling that they are my current main weak point so I am going to be working on bringing them up to speed over the next couple of cycles.
yeap, i dont think its the movement thats wrong, as my back feels like it has been worked nicely. Its more that i couldnt get that mind muscle link because my hamstrings were lit up!
May require some mobility work on your hamstrings to help you 'sit' in that position more comfortably?
I think its a combination of weak hamstrings, and short hamstrings and a long upper body that all work against me.
I do mobility work on them already, but i will be targeting them a little more ;)

good work on the recent pbs fella :D
Cheers Morba, just need to get that deadlift moving in the right direction

Give them hammies some lovin'

Damn straight, they are going to hate me by the end of this week, and i think they will leave my body entirely by the end of this cycle, but gotta get these boys working :cool:
Deadlifts, fun session :D

Bar x 10
3rd set, lost count, felt good :)

Bar x5

BW x10
DS bw x5 tri's completely fried by this point, last two reps i had to really dig deep

DB Row (heavy)

RDL's (light) SS with GHR's (assited from the floor)
bar x 10

I wish the gym had a proper GHR machine as ramming my heels under a bench and not having anything for my tighs to lower to means the little assist off the floor is a must, and its not easy to be consistent with that while nuked :(

First world problems, my loose fit 30" wasit jeans are to big at the waist and far to small round the tighs. DAMN ME for working my legs like a real man :(
There is nothing anywhere in the gym to jam legs under, I checked everywhere, and got some strange looks while testing out some of the leg machines to see if i could haha.

Best thing that can be done, is using the benches that are normally in the smith machine and jamming my heels under the foot rests, also grabbed a mat from the class room so i didnt destroy my knees on the floor.

Also where were you this morning slacker?!
There is nothing anywhere in the gym to jam legs under, I checked everywhere, and got some strange looks while testing out some of the leg machines to see if i could haha.

Best thing that can be done, is using the benches that are normally in the smith machine and jamming my heels under the foot rests, also grabbed a mat from the class room so i didnt destroy my knees on the floor.

Also where were you this morning slacker?!

Hmm, that's annoying...Should be fine on the bench then with a bit of weight on it. Follow the progression in the article so you don't have to use your hands as much :)

My cars knackered at the moment, clutch got replaced, then obviously something else decided to break and wedge itself inside the gear box so couldn't get in this morning...May try and come in this evening as I'm carb back loading at Cadbury World tomorrow :D
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