The Syla5 Files

HST 5's cycle 2 day 8.

Today was a good day for deadlifts :D

If i may say so myself i think i nailed it, vid up of my first set of DL's at 135x5, second and 3rd sets went up just as smoothly. Very happy with today as this was a new rep PB, not only once but 3 times. Everything else was not quite as good as i would have hoped, bench was well lagging somewhat, RDL's i tried out going lower so dropped the weight a little, but was pleased with the desired effect, and i swapped out bb curls for chins today.

Deadlift 135kg
Bench Press 82.5x5 82.5x3(+2spotted) 82.5x3(+2spotted) think i was a bit nuked after DL's and also having to take short rests as only 1 guy to spot and he was leaving :(
RDL 60x5 80x5 80x5
Walking Lunges 20kg
Chin Ups 8 8
Pull Ups 5 5
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Skipped training yesterday and pleased I did as today went about 10 times better then I expected

So no HST 5's today, it was all about the form and working the squats and deadlifts :)

Down to Oxford with LiE, Delvis, Steedie, and the gracious hosts Dom and Ice, first up it was squats.

I thoug ok let's work on form and focus in on improving things and learning from the expertise of ice and Dom, that I wouldn't normally have access to.

Bar x8
Bar x 8
60 x 5
120x1 things are feeling good, really good, time to stick its singles, haven't squatted more then 130 since July at the last gym rate meet.
150x1 (matched pb, but much better form and 7kg lighter)
160xf both so close, but pleased considering no heavy squatting in 5 months

Deadlifts, I felt this was my worst lift, well let's see...

150 skipped (current pb)
160x1 my old nemesis I was expecting a fight, seems like I won with ease :D
170x1 another new pb so please
Fatigued now massively, but so so pleased with today

Just for fun and cause I never get to see my back

Starting a week of negs on my main lifts this week.

Decided to start with trying my bench rep max, having not done heavy benching for a while I was being optimistic.

Bench press
Bar x 10
90x1 flew up quite suprised
100xf :( I started to feel my fatique from Saturday kick on on this and my back started to cramp up' never mind, pleased with the 90 though.
Negs 100x4 90x3 90x3
Drop set 60x8

Dips BW x10

Bulgarian split squats
7.5x10 per leg
10x10 per leg

Pull ups
BW x5
BW x5

Reverse offset lunges
8x8 per leg
16x8 per leg

Negs are hard, and you need a good spotter for the, no way I could have done these solo at all.
It would appear that bench press negs really have an effect! my chest is ruined this morning and it made squatting fun, well getting under the bar anyway!

bar x 8 60x6 80x5 100x3
120x3 125x3 125x3
using my que's from saturday, knees still came in on reps 2 and 3 of the 125 sets but not as serverly. I think i will be focusing on this with more volume and less weight to really drill it home :)
Barx5 40x5 55x3 55x3
Standing Cable Row
15x10 17.5x10 (reps per arm)
RDL (2 sec pause) 60x8 60x8 60x8
Calf raises 40x10 50x10 50x10
Bit of stretching
well i am hoping that reconditioning my brain will help when i get back to heavy sets again.

i am pulling together a new routine, but i am considering one more HST cycle to instill the things i learnt on saturday in to my head, maybe, or i might just do a volume cycle of the new routine and go from there.

If i start another cycle on 31/12/12 i should be finished and with a deload week be able to start my new routine on 18/02/12, but in the same time i could be at the end of my 2nd cycle of the new routine, so depends on what goals i set myself really, as i am not quite going to hit my 2012 goals that i had set

100kg bench x 2 reps
150kg squat x 2 reps
150kg dl x 2 reps

I cant do the bench, i could possibly with a lot of damned effort do the squat maybe, and i am quite confident i could smash the dl one now :)
Slya5, pinch LiE's mini bands when they arrive and do some of the lady exercises that he is doing. Sometimes you just need to strengthen your external rotators to get them working better.

Bad luck on the bench, that was a close one. That sounds like a nice plan for your squats for now and just make sure you are on top of any stiffness that might inhibit your squat form. Also try and get a decent amount of single leg work and make sure you are very strict on external rotation in your hips making sure knee stays out.

Cheers dom, did you get my email, i sent it through last night of the new routine i have pulled together, if your happy to look in to it that would be awesome. It has single leg work in (BSS and Split Squats 2 outta 3 days)

Looks like it's lady exercises all round!
Syla5 I'll let you know when I've got the bands, should be here this week.

Cheers mate :)
I have kind of been a little all over the place this week, today i decided to try out one of the workouts from my new routine that i have been pulling together with some expert help :)

I am not quite sure if i remembered it correctly, and for the deadlifts i didnt stick to set/rep structure as i just needed to reasure myself on somethings so heres what i did

Bar x 10
60x5 and RDL 60x3 to loosen up the hams
130x1 (belt to tight and got weird twinge)
150x3 – personal target achieved rep my old rm before the end of the year
Considering this is how my 150 looked only 7 weeks ago, I am very pleased with where I am today
(old 150kg rm)

I still felt good at this point so decided to do this

Face Pulls

Seated DB press

Reverse offset lunges

DB Rows (heavy)

Pleased with todays session, and pleased with achieving my deadlift end of year goal
Damn, that's some impressive deadlifting! Although doesn't surprise me after Saturdays meet ;).

Whats your new routine looking like, heading down the strength route? Hell even with HST you have been throwing out some PB's.. You're turning in to a LiE :p

Its more of a strength based routine for the main lifts, still some volume present for the assistance work, its not a split routine, more full body every day. I will post it up before i change over, i have the first 4 weeks planned with roughly the weights i expect to be doing as well

Too stornk bro, too stronk

cheers mate :D
Cheers Dom, response received.

So HST has been good to me it seems, i have enjoyed the first 2 cycles i will no doubt do more in the future. I am however going to change direction a little and focus a bit more on strength for the big lifts especially.

With Dom's help and some posative motivation on saturday from all who attended i am going to crack on with a new strength routine in the new year. Its 3 days of full body workouts focusing on strengh for the big lifts and mixture of strength and hypertrophy for the assistance work.

Sorry if this becomes a bit full on as i have planned the 4 weeks as i like to have a good guide of what i am going to be doing in advance.

Week 1 for the main lifts is a week of 3 sets of 6 reps

Day 1
Squat 3*6 110
Inclined DB Row 3*6 25
Pull Ups 3*6 10
RDL 3*8 60
DB Row 3-4 *10 10

Day 2
Deadlift 3*6 135
Dips 3*6 20
Standing Cable Row 3-4*10 10
Seated DB Press 3*10 15
Face Pulls 3-4*10 15

Day 3
Bench 3*6 75
OHP 3*6 47.5
DB Row 3*6 30
BSS 3*10 10
Offset reverse Lunges 3*10 15

Week 2 is the same workouts with increased weights and the main lifts done for 3 sets of 5 reps with increases made to assistance work where i feel needed compared to week 1

Day 1
Squat 3*5 115

Day 2
Deadlift 3*5 140

Day 3
Bench 3*5 77.5

Week 3 is 4 sets of 4 reps for the main lifts, assistance work as per week 1
Day 1
Squat 4*4 120

Day 2
Deadlift 4*4 150

Day 3
Bench 4*4 80

Week 4 is 4 ses of 3 reps for the main lifts, same assistance work with revisions to weights as required
Day 1
Squat 4*3 125

Day 2
Deadlift 4*3 155

Day 3
Bench 4*4 82.5

Outside of the gym i will be doing soft tissue and stretching/mobility work. I have found that my wife loves causing my pain, so for her pleasure and my gain i get her to do some of the foam rolling to really get the pressure on :D

For best results i may swap the order around and do bench on day 2 to give the best recovery between squats and DL's
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Looking good.

It might help to think about the 4 week cycle as almost being a mesocycle since 4 weeks is a short amount of time to make change. Then after the first mesocycle you can change a few things round if you feel like it is needed and you could play around with having some mesocycles with higher volume (1-2 more reps and a set or two more) and also a peaking mesocycle where your last week would be a mock meet. Or a real meet :cool:

I shall look in to this. I was going to suggest another oxford mini meet at some point, i dont think i would be in any reasonable state to compete properly any time soon, maybe 2014, but then again it doesnt appeal strongly to me right now so who knows.

I would potentially swap out the assistance exercises for variation, so box squats instead of reverse lunges etc
when you say adding in higher volume, are you talking in general or for the main lifts?

Looks, although I'd have no idea how to plan the actual weight side of things....

For the weights i have based them loosely around my current 5rm and 3rm numbers. The assistance work is just guide weights and i will increase/decrease according to what i need to do. I like to put numbers in so that i can see where i would like to be at each point :)
i have a feeling i may struggle to stay around the 74kg mark, I am definatly going to enjoy this festive period but then i will have to closely monitor my diet in the new year.

For me 100 extra cals a day can make a difference.
In lieu of training this week, I am taking a planned Deload, but I am taking it extra easy.

For anyone that missed my post in the gym ratz thread I have a sore area in my lower abdomen, brought on during recent deadlifting while my belt was tighter then normal. Although this pain comes on suddenly and for whatever reason passes quickly, and doesn't effect the rest of the workout (happens at 130kg, went on to lift 160x2), this time around I have a little left over tenderness so I decided to do a bit of google doctoring. Turns out a lot of search results come back saying hernia, so I have requested a docs appointment for this week, and it's just a case of waiting now.

In the mean time I am getting in to the good habit of doing soft tissue and mobility work in the evenings, I spent a good 30-45 mins focusing on my hamstrings and opening up my hip's, as well as rolling and lacrosse ball work.
Appointment Thursday morning things seemed to be improving by the day, so hoping that it is nothing serious.

Out of interest why did you want to know my height?
I plan to stay as lean as possible now but being super strict with diet all the time gets quite mentally tiring :(

I am hoping as I put on more mass it gets easier to not put on extra fat when I am a little less strict (higher maintenance cals etc). 74kg is about were I am at now so it would be a case of hitting the fabled lose fat and put on muscle at the same time. We shall see, main aim next year is as per my email :) and hopefully more!
More mobility work and foam rolling.

Focusing on my hips and hamstrings at the minute as I really want to balance out my squat and make it much stronger throughout, and the more I can screw in to the floor, and keep my knees out through the movement, the better.

Here's some of the stuff I am doing (pinched from the mobility thread), and planning on doing as often as possible.

Important link read the text
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