the trials and tribulations of another auction gone wrong

11 Mar 2004
this is a post about the mess that has become my purchase of a new hard drive...

i purchased a seagate 200 gig SATA HDD with ncq for £44 with free shipping which i thought was a bargain, the guys got some 600 possitive feedbacks, about 8 negatives but thats because of poor delivery which i wasnt too concearned about as long as i got it, so i paid my £44 and waited, a week went by, then ten days, then 2 weeks, and then half way through the third week i e-mailed him and asked where was my drive, to which i got sent the number of the courier and the tracking number of the parcel.

so, i called the courier, she couldnt find it. she claimed my house had had a card put through the door (which was a blatent lie given im in during the daytime and out at night and there are others who would have taken the parcel for me here) and she asks me repeatedly: "are you sure you havent recieved it?" to which i ask her how the hell could i of given i didnt even know they were shipping till that very moment when i called her.

so, the parcel, which has a digital tracking number on it, is missing and presumed stolen. So i call the guy who sold me the drive and talk to him about it and he agrees to send me a replacement drive out a.s.a.p

so, today, 5 weeks after i bought the drive, a drive turned up in a box i opened it expecting to see my nice new seagate 200 gig sata, but what do i see ? a maxtor 160 gig with an envelope containing £10 and written on the note it reads "refund for difference", (EDIT: it appears one of his staff decided that since they didnt have any seagates in that they would send me a maxtor + £10 without talking to him first, he knew nothing about it when i called him earlier and thought i was waiting for the seagate stock.)

essentially its like ordering a jaguar and they deliver a ford focus and give you 15K back, so i called them up, told him whats going on, he said hes got a 200 gig maxtor in his hand i can have, but i dont want a bloody maxtor!!!! all i want, is what i paid for, nothing more, nothing less, just simplicity of knowing that i will get what i paid for. thats all.

so im still waiting...

EDIT 28/04/06 Well, im currently sitting here looking at a 200 gig seagate barracuda in her factory packaging! :D a guy came to pick the maxtor up today and dropped this off :) the poor seller must have spent £20 on postage alone :( i think i will call him and thank him personally.
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As long as he said he sent it, and the courier accepted the parcel, I would be mightly peeved, but the problem aint with the seller, its the courier that messed up.

In about 6 months of constant pestering of the couriers I would expect a drive to turn up in a battered and wet box, or you'll get insurance payout from the couriers for about half what you expected.

Life aint fair.
So the courier messed up, the guy sent you another drive out of his own pocket *and* some cash to apologise for the difference and you're complaining?
Arcade Fire said:
Talk about ungrateful - if the courier was genuinely at fault, he didn't have to send you anything at all!


Its technically the sellers responsibility to provide the goods, or a refund. The seller can't blame a 3rd party.

(unless the buyer organised their own courier to collect the item)
Visage said:
So the courier messed up, the guy sent you another drive out of his own pocket *and* some cash to apologise for the difference and you're complaining?

It depends on whether there was insurance on the package and what policies the seller has. In short, the seller most likely didn't have to send another drive
callmeBadger said:
As long as he said he sent it, and the courier accepted the parcel, I would be mightily peeved, but the problem aint with the seller, its the courier that messed up.

In about 6 months of constant pestering of the couriers I would expect a drive to turn up in a battered and wet box, or you'll get insurance payout from the couriers for about half what you expected.

Life aint fair.

your probably right, and no it is not, but if it does turn up, I would mail it back to the seller, I only want what ive paid for, nothing more.

Beansprout said:
The problem appears to be with the courier, so don't be so amazingly ungrateful to the seller.

"I don't want a Maxtor! MUMMY!!!!" will get you nowhere.

Oh no? Well its just got me a pickup of the Maxtor 160 gig and a Seagate 200 gig coming in 2 days, this isn’t some privet seller, he runs a company that sells storage solutions to areas of the civil and educational services, eBay’s just a side line.

cleanbluesky said:
If it were me I would have mailed you a wet badger with £5.63 selotaped onto the badger over a note saying 'compensation'...

Ladies and gentlemen, the last 2 quotes are two prime cases of the mentality of some of the staff here, willing to do no more than is absolutely necessary unless it furthers there wallet or matches there opinion. im greatful for your posts but come on, havent you ever done anything for anyone off your own back just because it was the right thing to do ? regardless of whether it made good "business sence"

Arcade Fire said:
Talk about ungrateful - if the courier was genuinely at fault, he didn't have to send you anything at all!

the courier was genuinely at fault, had he of used royal mail then there would be a clear procedure for me to request my money back but he is using his own private courier that only deals with business clients which puts the situation on his shoulders as I have no access to any form of compensation.

Visage said:
So the courier messed up, the guy sent you another drive out of his own pocket *and* some cash to apologise for the difference and you're complaining?

yup, but he didn’t send me the cash out of his own pocket, according to him, some dipstick in his office saw the order, realised they didn’t have any Seagate’s at the moment and thought they would use a little initiative so they took £10 from petty cash, packaged a 160 gig Maxtor up and hoped I would be happy, which I can understand and bare no ill will towards that intention.

but ive been reeeeeealy patient, and I will continue to be, i don’t mind how long it takes, I am not on this managers case all the time, he seems civil and genuinely sorry for the mess and I accept that, I even offered to pay delivery myself next time round, i just want my 200 gig Seagate, thats all, he knows this and seems to understand, so someones gonna pick the drive up and at the same time drop off a seagate. Ive just got to wait till he has 200 gig Seagate stock (he buys 500 units at a time from China)
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