the trials and tribulations of another auction gone wrong

he should have emailed you saying that he only had 160gb and could refund some money,but look at it this way you could have ended up with nothing

indeed but he didnt know that i had been sent this drive untill i called him... otherwise im sure he would have called me to discuss it at least...

OCdt Stringy said:
I'd just give bad feedback, pocket the tenner and keep the drive.

what am i supposed to do with a 160 gig IDE maxtor and a scottish tenner ? id prefere to just wait for the 200 gig seagate, lest i plug in the maxtor and have it die a month down the road.
locutus12 said:
what am i supposed to do with a 160 gig IDE maxtor
1.) Open PC Case
2.) Locate spare 3.5" Drive Bay
3.) Screw in Hard Drive securely.
4.) Locate IDE Headers
5.) Attach one end of the IDE Lead to the Drive, and one to the Motherboard Header.
6.) Attach power cable.
7.) Boot up PC and Format Drive (NTFS for preference)
8.) Fill with 160GB of Midget Pr0n

locutus12 said:
......and a scottish tenner ?

1000 one pence sweets?
10 x Lottery Tickets?
10 x 99p Sniped-at-the-last-minute Auctions on Ebay?
1 x Cat (slightly worn)
basmic said:
I, peronally, would initiate a Paypal chargeback.

Make sure you email him back first and say you appreciate the offer of compensation but you'd rather have what you originally paid for or your money back (and explain he should be able to get the money back from the insurance on the package he originally sent).

Don't just start a charge back without trying to resolve it outside PayPal first as that's guaranteed to **** him off after he's (out of his own pocket) tried to rectify the situation for you, even if it's not quite to your expectations.
Phil99 said:
Make sure you email him back first and say you appreciate the offer of compensation but you'd rather have what you originally paid for or your money back (and explain he should be able to get the money back from the insurance on the package he originally sent).

Don't just start a charge back without trying to resolve it outside PayPal first as that's guaranteed to **** him off after he's (out of his own pocket) tried to rectify the situation for you, even if it's not quite to your expectations.
From what I can read, the seller is not even making a satisfactory effort to give the buyer (locutus12) what he bought.

locutus12 has contacted the seller, the seller has told locutus12 that he only has a 200gb Maxtor. locutus12 doesn't want the Maxtor (and I can't blame him), and the seller has not indicated that he is willing to refund, or replace the item with the one locutus12 intended to buy.

Write one more email, asking for a refund and that you will send the drive back via Special Delivery. If he agrees, fine. If not, Paypal time.
have no fear, im not planning to complain, another 5 weeks without a drive and then i will personally go to scotland and give him a glasgow kiss, but for the moment he seems to be being very kind, like i said, this isnt his fault, its all other people, its just that its his company so hes the one who has to sort it. kind of feel sorry for him in a way, but then i realise hes rich and im not.

to basmic: ive spoken to him on the phone about an hour ago, hes trying to get me a seagate, he just doesnt have any at the moment as they are always the first to go (for obvious reasons) i do believe and trust him when he says he will get me one, it will be dropped by the same courier who will pick up the maxtor drive, i wont let it go till ive got my seagate.
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Theres some very strange opinions in this thread :confused:

I cant see a problem other than couriers suck, but we all know that anyway.

The seller sounds like hes done everything possible to help you.
He posted the original drive, agreed to send out a replacement when it was established the first had gone missing (you cant blame him for the amount of time its taken, you decided to wait nearly 3 weeks before contacting him!!). Ok, wrong drive got sent out, but sounds like staff was trying to do the right thing, and now hes agreed to pick up wrong drive and replace it with correct one. Whats the problem?? :confused:

As for those that say neg him, file a complaint etc :rolleyes:

Foghorn Leghorn said:
Theres some very strange opinions in this thread :confused:

I cant see a problem other than couriers suck, but we all know that anyway.

The seller sounds like hes done everything possible to help you.
He posted the original drive, agreed to send out a replacement when it was established the first had gone missing (you cant blame him for the amount of time its taken, you decided to wait nearly 3 weeks before contacting him!!). Ok, wrong drive got sent out, but sounds like staff was trying to do the right thing, and now hes agreed to pick up wrong drive and replace it with correct one. Whats the problem?? :confused:

As for those that say neg him, file a complaint etc :rolleyes:


who said anything about blaming him to begin with? and read my posts fully, ive repeatedly said that i have been and will still be patient, i have nothing against the guys company. i decided to wait 14 working days as i had no idea where the item was comming from, 14 working days is pretty standard for a lot of items when bought off fleebay. the guy wont get any negative feedback of me, ive never even concidered it.

as for why did i put this here? just for general interest. this is still the General Discussion forum isnt it ???
locutus12 said:
who said anything about blaming him to begin with? and read my posts fully, ive repeatedly said that i have been and will still be patient, i have nothing against the guys company. i decided to wait 14 working days as i had no idea where the item was comming from, 14 working days is pretty standard for a lot of items when bought off fleebay. the guy wont get any negative feedback of me, ive never even concidered it.

I did read all the posts, and you have been patient and given him the opportunity to rectify the situation and neither of you are at fault, my post wasnt aimed at you ;)

Edit: looked back at my post and can see where you are coming from, I worded it badly, sorry.

as for why did i put this here? just for general interest. this is still the General Discussion forum isnt it ???

:confused: Pardon?

Foghorn Leghorn said:
I did read all the posts, and you have been patient and given him the opportunity to rectify the situation and neither of you are at fault, my post wasnt aimed at you ;)

Edit: looked back at my post and can see where you are coming from, I worded it badly, sorry.

:confused: Pardon?


thats ok, text based chat isnt exactly a perfect medium... :)
Ive seriously been put off using ebay.I tend to stick to specific enthusiast forum selling.

My mate sold an old P3 righ for £90 on ebay,sent it recorded or special delivery,guy didnt receive mates mums lost the receipt so cant claim back and then had to pay out £90 back to the buyer. Her own stupidity but i dont think she really had to pay the guy back....
Well, im currently sitting here looking at a 200 gig seagate barracuda in her factory packaging! :D a guy came to pick the maxtor off today and dropped this off :) the poor seller must have spent £20 on postage alone :( i think i will call him and thank him personally.

see, sometimes people will do things off their own back, not because they have to, but because they want to.
I see nothing wrong in the approach taken by locutus tbh. I would have done the same. Maybe it's because I know my rights having been at Uni for thr last 3 years reading law. To the posters saying, he's done everything he can, well to that I respond accordingly: so?! If he hasn't completed the contract into which he entered, he must bear the full costs of rectification. He should have a business which is capable of dealing with such situations and should not use a shoddy courier who he has an agreement with to deliver the goods.

I'm glad you got it sorted and what you wanted - why should you accept any less? I feel this apathy is the reason that companies are able to deliver a poor service and continue to do so. He isn't a private seller so you have full justification for your actions. And 5 weeks wait...well that alone shows how patient you have been.
smids said:
I see nothing wrong in the approach taken by locutus tbh. I would have done the same. Maybe it's because I know my rights having been at Uni for thr last 3 years reading law. To the posters saying, he's done everything he can, well to that I respond accordingly: so?! If he hasn't completed the contract into which he entered, he must bear the full costs of rectification. He should have a business which is capable of dealing with such situations and should not use a shoddy courier who he has an agreement with to deliver the goods.

I'm glad you got it sorted and what you wanted - why should you accept any less? I feel this apathy is the reason that companies are able to deliver a poor service and continue to do so. He isn't a private seller so you have full justification for your actions. And 5 weeks wait...well that alone shows how patient you have been.

thankyou :) indeed i wasnt angry with him, but i was not going to settle for less than what i have originally paid for. im actually very greatful to the seller who has lost £45 on the original hard drive going missing and at least £20 on postage and collection fees, but in the end all i wanted was what i paid for, nothing extra, and thats what i got :)
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