The Tune In Your Head

Thanks to Chris Moyels this morning... The Fraggels Theme Tune!... and strangly I also have the Theme from 'Chorlton and the Wheelies' runnung round in my head too!!...

Its pretty Noisy in here!! :D
"B-b-b-b-baby you ain't seen n-n-n-nothing yet"

Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Aint Seen Nothing Yet

Was getting some additional advanced life support training this morning and have had Nellie The Elephant in my head ever since :mad: (that is the song i was told previously was the best song to have in your head to make sure you do compressions at the correct rate btw)
Brakes - Cease and Desist... I like the song but it's annoying me know :(

And now NOFX - Anarchy camp haha this one is really gonna irritate me, knew I shouldn't have listened to it :o
Björk - Jóga

Probably self induced as i was listening to it just before i fell asleep with my headphones on last night.

"State ooooooooooooof emergencyyyyyyy, how beautifullllllllll to be!"

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