The µ43 thread - welcome to the really dark side

Flashes is something I've not looked into, not surface based ones anyway, sorry I can't be of any help! :(

Going to finally get to use in anger this weekend! Looking to see how it will perform!
I posted this in the Macro thread but maybe better to ask here:

Could someone suggest a nice flash to use for macro with my PEN E-PL5? I feel I'm missing out massively without one.

A lot of people seemed to recommend this: Would this work with the E-PL5 (Couldn't find a definitive answer on google, but I think it should)? Or is it better to go for a standard Olympus flash with a diffuser?

I haven't got a ring flash but have used my Yongnuo Canon flash off camera.
I use the E-PL5 flash to trigger it and just shade it enough to avoid excessive light.
Seems to do the job OK and cheap!
Those looking at macro, I have purchased one of the Raynox achromats, the DCR-250 and it is pretty good.
Used on the kit 40-150mm I can replicate the distance and magnification of my Canon Sigma 105mm.
The Raynox costs £40....
Initial tests don't show any noticeable quality issues.
Those looking at macro, I have purchased one of the Raynox achromats, the DCR-250 and it is pretty good.
Used on the kit 40-150mm I can replicate the distance and magnification of my Canon Sigma 105mm.
The Raynox costs £40....
Initial tests don't show any noticeable quality issues.
I have that on my list of things to buy at some point. In the meanwhile, I have some extension tubes coming for a macro boost. Any sample pics?
Wow those pictures in full size are superb! Have they been post processed? Any sharpening?


Another question for you guys, especially you who have used a DSLR, how does the shallow DOF compare? What about bokeh?
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Wow those pictures in full size are superb! Have they been post processed? Any sharpening?


Another question for you guys, especially you who have used a DSLR, how does the shallow DOF compare? What about bokeh?

Lens helps a lot with the DoF obviously. But even with the kit lens I have been impressed which is f/3.5

They aren't a fair comparison in a lot of ways. You're comparing £300 cameras to ones that cost nearly 10x that amount for the body alone. But coming from a long time DSLR user I have to say I'm genuinely impressed with not just the DoF but with the camera as a whole, they are on the whole a great little package. I'm itching to get a fast prime on mine. A 16-17mm fast prime might have to be my first lens purchase for it :)
Wow those pictures in full size are superb! Have they been post processed? Any sharpening?


Another question for you guys, especially you who have used a DSLR, how does the shallow DOF compare? What about bokeh?

Thanks :)
In answer to your questions, yes they are processed as I shoot raw. Nothing more than I have ever done to other photos though. if I get chance tomorrow I'll post an unprocessed version.
They were taken on a tripod with manual focus. Auto focus does work to a degree but the dof is so shallow handheld for the real close ups is not practical

As above, even the kit 14-42 wide open gives reasonable dof effect.
I've just bought a 50mm f1.8 Pentacon though to try too having seen the results elsewhere in this thread.
Give me some fun playing with manual focu and aperture for a change too!

Think this gives a fair idea of dof wide open at 42mm and f5.6 (no macro attachments)
Doronicum by -ajf.350d-
Oh you spoil me! :p

Let us know when its in stock. You may end up with a small list at this rate ;) although I'm mainly waiting on a lens which isn't released yet!

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