The UK environment

1 Apr 2014
I was wondering (if not against the rules) that you could participate in this very short survey with regards to the UK environment?

Sorry but your survey needs binning. Specificially it is biased in favour of people being unhappy with the state of the environment (particularly 'What would you like to see more of...' and 'Please tick those...' - why list vegan and vegetarian but not carnivore?) and you really should remove the postcode question or at least change it to be optional. But most of all, you need to define what you mean by environment.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
I was wondering (if not against the rules) that you could participate in this very short survey with regards to the UK environment?

Thanks in advance.

Your survey is skewed for a certain outcome without definition of what you mean by "environment".
You ask also about if people are Vegan, Vegetarian, Environmentalists and None. If someone is Wildlife Conservationist and omnivore at the same time, isn't an option.
None has no place in multiple checkbox only on radio buttons.
Also needs to be GDRP compliant because you forcefully asking peoples postcodes (which narrow down the side of the street they are in) in addition to all the other metadata from the standard browser headers.

Closing. I do not see someone can be in general "Are you concerned about the current state of the UK environment?"
Is subjective question to everyone living in a specific area. People from the countryside will select No by default, others in cities will select Yes.

Which also comes to farming. How someone living in a city would know what farming means? Not by TV or the media, as they provide a skewed version.

While the guy in the countryside looking at the farm on the back, either agricultural or open animal one, would reply that all is fine. (i used to live in such area).
12 May 2011
What is the purpose of the survey? Lots of generic questions and then specifically one about farming?

It would be good if it had a comment box as I ticked the boring neutral response to the farming question - its necessary environmental damage in my opinion - we gotta eat. Growing cows is a lot more damaging than organic crop farming but then we would need a lot more farm land to feed us if we did only organic farming and no intensive farming.

What are you doing with the post code data? Finding out if we live in the city? Countryside? Broad income / class?
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