The unpleasant but amusing side effect of tesco bacon crisps..

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Yeah food stuff doesn't really affect the smell of my pee. But saying that my pee is 8 times out of 10 green. So what do I know. :o

But maybe its because i'm Irish.
when i was in jr school the local corner shop used to sell a soft drink that was organic (probably made by hippies) and that turned your wee green

watching your dog wee green and seeing your grans reaction is hillarious
Those Tesco's own brand Bacon Rashers - fake Frazzles. come in like a 150g pack for 85p..

Love em.. love em to bits, but...

I ate a bag last night and today, my urine smells strongly of bacon.. No, i'm not in the habit of smelling my bodily secretions, the smell was so strong i could smell it just breathing normally.. Somewhat amusing, but.. Now that i think about it, that means that some of the chemical flavourings are passing unprocessed through ones system.. Cant be healthy, that - a bit worrying..

Anyone else had similar with other stuff?

Just thought i'd share that with all my lovely lovely friends at ocuk lol

Came searching for this exact post! It’s been freaking me out the last few times I’ve had Tesco Bacon Rasher, which by the way are a full squid now!!!
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