The Ups and Downs of high-bar squatting

4 Nov 2011
So that's the competition over with so I feel it's about time for a new log.
The old log can be found here.

*Please note that I keep this post updated regularly*

Main changes from previous log to this one:
Introduction of high bar and front squats. I shall rarely do low bar.
Increased training frequency - squat frequency 3-5x a week, bench x 3, deadlift x 2, OHP x 2
Reintroduction of OHP
Introduction of periodised training such as Wendler and Sheiko.
Training influences of Bulgarian and Russian style training for specific movements.

Current Training Maxes/Predicted Maxes
Squat: 137.5
Bench: 95kg
Deadlift: 152.5kg
OHP: 50kg
Front Squat: ?

Basic Stats
Height: 172.2cm
Weight: 72.6- 21.11.15

Current routine:
Squat: Sheiko Variant
Bench: Greg Nuckols
Deadlift: Greg Nuckols
Deadlift Variation: Sheiko variant

Generic routine outline:





Sumo Deadlift
Sumo Deadlift Variant

Competition Stats:
Dreamforger -------------------- 75 / 130(B) / 150(B) -------- [64.5] ---- 355

Best Stats:
Dreamforger -------------------- 82.5 / 137.5(B) / 152.5(B) -------- [71.7] ---- 372.5

Goals for 2015
Squat: 140kg-160kg
Bench: 85kg-95kg
Deadlift: 160kg-180kg
Weight: Get fat
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Too much time off since the competition due to work and what not but it's nice to be starting again. Took the session really light just to get back into the movements. After two weeks of no stretching and horrific it was to be expected that it was going to be an easy but meh session.

Squats (High-bar)

Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 3x5

Easy enough.


Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5x5

Started off meh, but from the second set onwards it was incredibly easy.

Chest-supported rows

Bar + 5kg x 8
Bar + 10kg x 8
Bar + 15kg x 8
Bar + 20kg x 3x8

Also easy enough.

Started back lower than I would have liked but my body is in a terrible state (should be simple to fix though) so I didn't want to shock it too quickly.
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I jest - I'm impressed. Gainz shall surely be had


I tried squatting 3 times a week and failed horrendously so good luck to you! :) Just make sure you eat loads and you'll be golden.

Adding weight 3 times a weeks gets difficult really quickly but I figured it was most efficient way to get used to high-bar squatting. Once things start to prove difficult I'll make Wednesday a deload day. Best bit atm is where I was making progress on a cut and got a 130kg pb in the competition so now that I've started the reverse diet the calories are going up which should make the initial stage of squatting easier.
21/12/14 - Sunday

Not a great session tbh, lower back is really tight which made deadlifting horrific.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
82.5kg x 3x5

Need to keep back tighter when descending into the hole as I noticed the bar slip ever so slightly once or twice. Just more practice I guess.


Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
52.5kg x 5x5

Felt pretty good. 55kg tomorrow.


60kg x 5 (Paused)
80kg x 3 (Paused)
100kg x 1 (Pased)
100kg x 2
110kg x 2
115kg x f - back was having none of that.

Disappointed with that but I'm hoping it's because the muscles are really tight and I'm fasted. Lots of rolling and stretching and hope for improvements on Wednesday.


BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 4

Core Stuff

Ab-wheel rollouts x some - completely rubbish at these, fell flat on my face.
Kneeling cable crunches x lots x lots - did nothing for me

Looks like I need to be doing more core exercises.

Still training with light weights but I know this will change relatively quickly.
Lots of food, rest, stretching and mobility should see a nice improvement.
22/12/14 - Monday


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 1
85kg x 3x5

Left hip was causing all kinds of issues, making the left knee clunk and what not. Third set was brilliant though.


Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
50kg x 1
55kg x 5x5

Still super easy. Aiming to hit at least 62.5kg before even considering swapping to 3x5.

BOR (Pendlay)

Bar x lots
30kg x some
40kg x 3
50kg x 5


Back Extensions

BW x 4 x 12


someWeight x 3x12

Bro Curlz

Ez Bar + 10kg x 3x12

Laying leg raises


Pretty simple accessory stuff. I'm trying to ensure 1 core exercise an an accessory that will have a decent carryover such as back extensions.

Ok session once the hip decided to function properly. I had to make so many Russian babies in order for it to finally open up. Once it was working though squats were lovely.
24/12/14 - Wednesday

Disappointing again. Those few weeks off absolutely killed me.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 1
87.5kg x 3x5

Still need a lot of hip work, all kinds of knee clunk going on.


Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 3x6 (Paused 2-3 count)

Nice and easy, felt strong.


60kg x 5
75kg x 2
87.5kg x 3
100kg x 3
112.5kg x 7

Dear goodness my grip was utterly terrible, made these feel miles harder than they should have.


BW x 8
BW x 4
BW x 3


30kg x 20
30kg x 12
30kg x 12

I was trying to go for more volume but I clearly need to drop the weight in order to do 5x20.

Hip and knee funk going on making the squats difficult (but the weight is really easy).
Deadlifts are shocking atm. Hopefully this'll change soon
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27/12/14 - Saturday

A kind of "everything session" due to missing a day (damn boxing day shenanigans!)


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 2
87.5kg x 3x5
60kg x 9 - More practise for high bar

Not too shabby butI look like I come quite a way forward in the recording but the bar path remains straight so it could just be the natural positioning for me due to the only shoes.

Bar x lots
30kg x some
40kg x 3
50kg x 4
57.5kg x 5x5

Dynamic-Effort Deadlifts

60kg x 5 (Paused)
80kg x 8x3

So awesome. So light :(

BOR (Pendlay)

30kg x some (9?)
40kg x 3
52.5kg x 3
45kg x 3x8

Lots of volume just because.


BW x 8
BW x 3
BW x 2

Not surprised.

Rather happy with that. Squats seem are odd atm, I'll post a video soon enough. Legs still don't seem to be very stressed from squats atm so hopefully that means I'll be able to push the squats a lot longer.
28/12/14 - Sunday

Left the wallet at the gym last night so when I went to pick it up today I thought I may as well do a quick session. Gave me a chance to start running 5/3/1 for OHP too.


Bar x lots
25kg x 5
30kg x 5
32.5kg x 10
25kg x 13

Bro Curlz

Ez + 12.5kg x 2x12
Ez + 10kg x 12

Tricep Pushdowns

20kg x 5x20

Dat burn.

Nice short and easy session. 5/3/1 seems like a lot of fun and where OHP isn't a lift I must focus on like squat bench and deadlift, running 5/3/1 seemed like the best option.
What made it "fun"?

Just by doing the plus sets and by leaving one or two in you so you don't feel dead afterwards. This followed with the "First Set Last" methodology Wendler goes on about helps make you feel like you've done a decent amount of work, get in some extra volume (I find that to be key for OHP) and not feel ruined by the end of it.
Volume I think is what I'll try next, having been stuck on 45kg for sooo long.

Dropping back absolute weight for volume is great, because bigger muscles are required to shift the heavier weight, amirite? :D

I just find volume seems to keep my shoulders a lot healthier than when I'm adding weight every session. Also, where OHP isn't one of my main lifts I'm not too fussed about the progression rate as opposed to squat, bench or deadlift but still feel that it's important to keep the movement as part of the routine.
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29/12/14 - Monday

Yay for mobility and stretching.


Bar x lots x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 2
90kg x 3x5

Noice. Need more core work.


Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 4
60kg x 5x5

Got better as the sets went on. Should have another 5kg in me before switching from 5x5.

BOR (Pendlay)

30kg x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 2
52.5kg x 5
47.5kg x 4x4

Not too shabby.

Back Extensions

BW x 12
15kg x 2x12

I've missed doing these.


22.5kg x 5x20

Getting tougher. I'll stick with this weight for a couple of weeks before moving up.

Rather happy with that session. Still need more mobility work to get the squats spot on and I need more core work to keep more upright. At least I'm not falling forward though or good morning reps.
31/12/14 - Wednesday

Horrible, horrible hips. Horrible bar with no grip (an no chalk) made deadlift horrific).


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 3
92.5kg x 1 - Knees felt terrible due to knotted hip.
92.5kg x 1 - just because...still terrible.

Lots of hip work to come.


Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
52.5kg x 3x6 (3 count pause)

Felt ok but not amazing off the chest.


60kg x 5
80kg x 5
92.5kg x 5
105kg(B) x 5

Felt horrible. Grip was incredibly horrific due to the bar.


BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 4

Terrible session. Hopefully next time will be better.
03/1/14 - Saturday

Bit of a bodge session since I still haven't had time to sort out my hip mobility so squats were dropped off from the routine for the day.

Dynamic-Effort Deadlifts

60kg x 5
80kg x 3
87.5kg x 6x2

Really focusing on glute and hip activation.


Bar x lots
30kg x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
55kg x 2
62.5kg x 5x5

Last rep was a little wtf. I'll put this down to being tight and a horrid diet. This will be fixed over the weekend.


Bar x lots (9?)
27.5kg x 3
32.5kg x 3
35kg x 8
27.5kg x 10

Had to 'clean' it off the floor so I wasn't as tight as I usually would be but this was easy enough.

Not a bad session, just not amazing either. I'm just looking forward to getting all the mobility back, a proper diet and being able to train properly.
24/1/14 - Saturday

Well I have had an atrocious few weeks with work and haven't been able to train at all, diet has been way off, so sure enough today was dire. I did however plan to use this session as a warm up for starting properly on Monday. Down to 62.3kg too :mad:


Bar x lots
40kg x some
60kg x 3x5

Knees felt like they might snap. Strength was fine but things weren't working properly.


Bar x lots
30kg x some
40kg x some
50kg x 3x5

Started off terrible but got better.

Dynamic-Effort Deadlifts

60kg x 5
80kg x 1
85kg x 3x2

Should have been 6x2 but I was wobbling and all sorts when lowering the bar.

Sumo-Deadlift Block Pulls 4"-6"

60kg x lots
80kg x 3
100kg x 2
120kg(B) x 1
140kg(B) x 1 - That made me feel better
150kg(B) x f

That made me feel a bit better but still really disappointed at the state I'm currently in.


BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 4

Shall be doing these after every deadlift session.

Skipped tricep pushdowns as I was in a hurry and in a bad mood, just needed to get out.

Well that was shocking. Lots of mobility and stretching should hopefully fix the squats. I'll be running 3x5 every session with SS progression method. I'll have the numbers back in no time.
Bench will be fine.
Deadlifts should be fine after the stretching and what not.
Block pulls were epic. I shall be doing these a lot more from now on to practise pulling sumo.
26/1/14 - Monday

Much better session with a lot less knee funk going on. Bench is feeling better. Pendlays are deloaded because I've lost silly weight recently but I'm back to having full sessions again.


Bar x lots
40kg x 3
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 3x5

Not bad, still trying to work out if the form is right since I'm not used to high-bar but I'm determined to get it right. I'll throw in a video of my sets for people to giggle at.

Bench ss/w 10 band pulls per set

Bar x lots
30kg x some
40kg x 5
50kg x 1
52.5kg x 5x5

Coming along nicely. Strength is coming back and the form was solid.

BOR (Pendlay)

Bar x some
30kg x 4
40kg x 4
50kg x 1
40kg x 3x5

So, so.

Back Extensions

BW x 4x12

These need to be weighted, I didn't get too much of anything from doing these unweighted.

Tricep Pushdowns

23.5kg x 20
23.5kg x 10
17.5kg x 10
17.5kg x 3x20

Lawd these were hell.

Nothing impressive but I'm happy with that. Things are getting better, diet is back on track and slowly increasing the calories each week so hopefully this is the turning point.
28/1/15 - Wednesday

Stretching and mobility is paying off nicely. Squats were miles better.

Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 1
65kg x 3x5

No hip or knee funk so rather happy. Squats were easy but I'm going to stick to the weight progression to hammer in the high-bar form.

Bench (Paused)
Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 6
50kg x 3x6 (2-3 count)

Fairly straight forward, not much difficulty at all.

60kg x 5
80kg x 3
92.5kg x 3
105kg x 6

I had one or two more in the tank on the last set but I thought I'd save it to be on the safe side.

Chin Ups

BW x 7
BW x 4
BW x 5

Yay for chins. Odd forearm fatigue going on for the first set but went away quick enough.

Didn't have time for face pulls. I was rather looking forward to them.

The simple fact the hip is better made the session feel good. A smidge disappointed that I didn't get 1 or 2 more reps on the deadlift but considering the weight I've lost and the hip going through tlc atm I'm still quite happy.
Strong stuff! What's the idea behind paused bench btw - just a change up?

Helps improve drive off the chest and stability. The other reasoning for me doing it though is so that I can keep benching at a manageable rate that is also beneficial to improving strength. At the moment I'm working through a deload and adding weight twice a week. Adding it three times a week would work as I can push the weight but it'd escape the deload too quickly. And one I'm out of the deload I'd end up stalling very quickly. So by doing paused work mid week instead of adding weight it makes the pace more consistent. It also provides good practise for pausing in a competition too.

Really like your workouts :) lots of volume

Oh Steedie, you flatter me ;) I find volume works for me, especially where it's tiny weight all round atm.
30/1/15 - Friday

I found DeFranco's Limber 11 and it is utter voodoo. My mobility is getting considerably better a lot quicker than I could have imagine within 2 days of finding it. Everything went rather well tonight.


Bar x lots
40kg x 3
60kg x 2
67.5kg x 3x5

No hip or knee funk! Lovely form too. Slow and steady progress is the way to go atm.


Bar x lots
30kg x 8
40kg x 6
50kg x 1
55kg 5x5 ss/w 10 band pulls per set

Should have 5kg in me before needing to switch to 3x5

BOR (Pendlay)

Bar x some
30kg x 6
40kg x 3
50kg x 3 - Miles better than last time!
42.5kg x 3x5

Lovely. Back is on fire.

Back Extension

BW + 10kg Bar x 2x12

Tricep Pushdowns

23.5kg x 5x20

These seem to really be aiding my pressing movements.

Done and finished. Super happy with that. Tomorrow is going to be hell though with so much deadlifting going on.
I was talking to an Oly coach that saw me squatting and he convinced me to come along to his training sessions to learn how to Snatch and Clean & Jerk as he told me I can powerlift when I retire but make the most of my youth and ideal body type to learn how to oly lift. I figured I'd give it a go; so next Tuesday I shall be learning to Snatch. Does this please you mrthingyx?
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