Regardless of power you will struggle to get a satisfying throat hit with 0 nicotine! Haven't you just come off cigarettes only recently? If so I'd say it's pretty early to be dropping to 0mg nicotine. Don't forget smoking practically ruins your taste buds although they do improve over time once off the stinkies so that could be contributing to the lack of flavour.
I think regardless of build with 0mg nicotine you will struggle with a throat hit although lower ohm's and more power generally does increase juice consumption resulting in more vapour and more flavour.
The Serpent Mini is great (I have only had mine a week) but you would have to start rebuilding rather than pre-made coils therefore I wouldn't recommend at this stage if you aren't confident in that department.
You can actually get a throat hit with 0 nicotine, FlavourArt do a concentrate (and pre-mixed juice) called Liquido Zero or Bite Xtra.
It gives you a throat hit, very similar to a cigarette but contains zero nicotine.
I think it's some sort of plant extract (pepper/chili?). Been out for a while now ~2015.