Man of Honour
Right, you can either beleive this post, or not beleive it, that i leave up to you.
After many people have been asking me for more information as to why i feel that i know something about what the people of Iraq feel about the Saddam regime and the War (which hadnt yet started, but was impending when the information was gathered), i have decided to ask the organisation concerned (The Home Office) if i may publish some of the findings.
They gave me some rules to adhere to, ie no names, use only age brackets of 10 years, no location, no direct quoting etc.
This is from a project i was invloved in university with, for the university. Here is a sample (taken from 100 views)
20-30 year old Female Iraqi - Came here in December 2002.
She said Saddam must go, she was sick of all the time wasting. She said 12 years was a ridiculous amount of time for action to be taken. If we take no action we are as bad as Saddam. Some of her family suffered torture due to the rest of the family leaving. She broke down in tears.
40-50 year old Male Iraqi - Came here in December 2002.
Saddam has done so many things you(western people) could not even imagine. He had to flee to save his life. He wants the UK to take military action right now to get the Baath Party out of power. He wants to return to his home in Iraq as soon as is safe for him to do so.
50-60 year old Iraqi Woman - Came here in November 2002.
(Was very angry) Said we are all wasting time. Everyday that goes in fighting about whether there should be a war, scores of people are being killed by Baath officials. Had personally seen her own daughter being hung from a lampost. Body was left there for days. Iraqi people live in fear day in day out. Whole villages live in fear of massacre, individuals live in fear of what they say.
There is obviously much more info on this, but i am running short on time at the moment.
Out of all 100:
100 wanted Saddam removed.
92 said war was the Only way.
98 said war was right.
75 said they beleive Saddam still has WMD
52 said they beleive he would use them if given a chance.
only 17 thought the Iraqi Army would carry out the orders.
100 said the majority of Iraqi's in Iraq felt the same, but are too scared to leave.
There is much much more, i just can't post it all.
Make what you will of this, it is for your information.
After many people have been asking me for more information as to why i feel that i know something about what the people of Iraq feel about the Saddam regime and the War (which hadnt yet started, but was impending when the information was gathered), i have decided to ask the organisation concerned (The Home Office) if i may publish some of the findings.
They gave me some rules to adhere to, ie no names, use only age brackets of 10 years, no location, no direct quoting etc.
This is from a project i was invloved in university with, for the university. Here is a sample (taken from 100 views)
20-30 year old Female Iraqi - Came here in December 2002.
She said Saddam must go, she was sick of all the time wasting. She said 12 years was a ridiculous amount of time for action to be taken. If we take no action we are as bad as Saddam. Some of her family suffered torture due to the rest of the family leaving. She broke down in tears.
40-50 year old Male Iraqi - Came here in December 2002.
Saddam has done so many things you(western people) could not even imagine. He had to flee to save his life. He wants the UK to take military action right now to get the Baath Party out of power. He wants to return to his home in Iraq as soon as is safe for him to do so.
50-60 year old Iraqi Woman - Came here in November 2002.
(Was very angry) Said we are all wasting time. Everyday that goes in fighting about whether there should be a war, scores of people are being killed by Baath officials. Had personally seen her own daughter being hung from a lampost. Body was left there for days. Iraqi people live in fear day in day out. Whole villages live in fear of massacre, individuals live in fear of what they say.
There is obviously much more info on this, but i am running short on time at the moment.
Out of all 100:
100 wanted Saddam removed.
92 said war was the Only way.
98 said war was right.
75 said they beleive Saddam still has WMD
52 said they beleive he would use them if given a chance.
only 17 thought the Iraqi Army would carry out the orders.
100 said the majority of Iraqi's in Iraq felt the same, but are too scared to leave.
There is much much more, i just can't post it all.
Make what you will of this, it is for your information.
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